Part 2.6

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(Previously: As Erich battles space pirates, he is thrown into a clothing store.)

The pirate tranquilly leaned on a manikin, waiting for Erich to stand. He had long, red hair flowing behind his helmet as an officer's symbol adorned his red suit. Slowly, he removed his helmet to reveal a pretty-boy face, ruined by the crazy smirk he had as he licked his pale lips.

Aaron? Erich thought, thinking he was a bounty hunter he knew. No, it wasn't him. This man was different. A modified clone, perhaps.

"I've seen your skills. You are a fool not to kill them," Mirth said. He burst into laughter and brushed his hair back as he sliced the manikin's head off with a quick swipe from his fencing-like sword. "When I kill you, the Blood Claw will still be alive to torture more innocent lives."

Erich stood up to face him. "You guys are all the same. I just don't want to be like you."

"Then you're a fool!" Mirth blurted. He quickly slashed at Erich, but Erich jumped back to avoid the blade. Mirth came at him as if it was a fencing match, with his other hand behind his back. But Erich used magnetism from his palm to repel the blade away from him with each swing. Unable to strike, the pirate went for a thrust. Erich dodged it and kicked the sword from his hand. The tip pierced into a manikin's stomach, wobbling from the impact.

"Heh, heh. Impressive ..." the pirate acknowledged. "You will be well fit to join the Blood Claw. We need new blood, per say," In a blur, Mirth grabbed Erich by the throat and yanked him off the ground, then spun around and threw him back out of the store. Erich's body smashed through more glass as Mirth walked to the manikin. He calmly placed his foot on it, yanked the blade out, and kicked the manikin aside. He walked overtop lingerie as he left through the store after Erich.

Erich's body tumbled across the third floor and barrel-rolled into Feit. Feit quickly regained his footing.

"Are you all right?" Feit asked, taking a quick glance.

"Yeah, sure," Erich said and forced himself to stand while holding his arm. "Not sure I have much energy left, though."

"You'll find some," Feit said, keeping his stance but glancing to his side to see the pirate, Mirth, approaching with his sword ready.

"My name is Mirth," the pirate said as he brushed his hair from his face.

"You look like you came from the spittin' image of a meric," Erich said, referring to ugly tentacle creatures.

"Touché," Mirth said. He checked his chrodometer on his wrist to tell the time. "However, I have stalled you long enough."

"What are you talking about?" Erich asked. His chest tightened in panic.

You didn't think we'd attack full force without a backup plan, now did you?" Mirth burst into laughter. "There were other pirates who exited our ship from the back, in civilian clothes, now mingled in the crowd, unnoticed!"

"What?!" Erich and Feit yelled together.

"For your information, our colleagues surrounded the guards. And on my signal, they'll open fire, eliminating resistance and killing the civilians below."

Erich tapped a panel on his side.

"So, as you see," Mire continued his monologue, walking to a railing and looking below, letting strands of his hair flow in his face. "I have the power of their fate."

"Why are you telling us this?" Erich asked.

Mirth laughed as he calmly walked toward them. "So you will suffer as well, helpless to stop them!" Mirth pulled out a gun and fired near Erich's feet.

At the same time, Erich shot him in the forehead.

(Did Erich kill him? And why did the pirate fire at his feet? Find out more in the next installment of Vecto: Voyage!)

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