Part 4.1

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(Previously: After Vecto saves the Corona, Sarah can no longer reach him.)

"Vecto ..." Sarah said through Vecto's com channel. "You need to ask me a question, remember?" She waited for an answer. "I'm listening, Vecto."

Each communication was the same--only one way. Vecto never replied. Even scanning the asteroid debris came up negative. It meant she couldn't find his orb or pick up any signals. And now the ship was slowly drifting away.

"Sarah," a voice said. It was Captain Tarc. "It seems we're in the Alpha Centauri system, which means planet Hodos should be nearby. Propel the ship in the same orbit as the asteroid field, and when we get close enough, contact the Magnatronians for permission to land and repair."

"Yes, Captain," Sarah said, dropping comlink. Gradually, they were leaving the site of the asteroid crash, and there was still no sign of Vecto. She couldn't order a search because it would reveal his identity--besides, she couldn't even stop the ship without endangering the crew. Although they were safe for the time being due to the vast distance between the asteroids, one of them could easily zip by and crash into them.

"Vecto, it's your last chance! Answer me!" Sarah yelled desperately through to his TAC. The ship began to move faster as the rubble receded in the distance with the stars. Sarah recalled the times she was the A.I. for Gyro's ship years ago. She remembered Vecto was less serious then, goofy at times for a robot. He liked her voice, he had said, and understood her. He was the one who assured her that she was not just a machine, that she had a life and a personally, like him.

"Goodbye," she said as the transmission went out of range from the site.

(What's going to happen to Vecto now that the ship is leaving? Find out more in the next installment of Vecto: Voyage!)

Alpha Squad - Vecto: VoyageDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora