Part 7.8

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(Previously: Vecto is unable to communicate with Vic's Illuminous Orb to ask about Zendora, but he finds out from Vic that his Viper class robots on the Corona are not supposed to be on the ship.)

Incidentally, as Vecto headed back to Sector 5's teleportation center to leave Cubix, he saw Chais shivering outside, trying to bum money from a Dinishman.

Vecto shook his head at the sight, knowing Chais wouldn't get anywhere panhandling. Dinishmen don't own cash—thanks to Cubix's currency-less system.

One of his initial reactions seeing Chais, however, was why Chais was even on this planet. He would have had to get approval on planet Hodos first. Either he convinced the Magnatronians in an attempt to follow me or they banished him here so they wouldn't have to deal with him. He picked both.

"I see you're following me," Vecto said.

Chais spun around in alarm and scratched his head as the Dinishman he was talking to teleported himself away. "Hey, gotta follow the money, you know. So about that bounty?" Chais asked, casually strolling to Vecto as he slipped an item in his pocket.

Vecto did a quick analysis and realized that Chais pick-pocketed the Dinishman. Amazingly, he did it without the Ukase knowing through the all-seeing Crescere substance surrounding him. Vecto decided not to bring attention to the matter. If he said anything, the Ukase would interfere and Vecto would be questioned, in effect blowing his cover.

"What bounty?" Vecto responded.

"The guy you're after—Morphaal."

"What about it?"

"I'm a pretty strong guy. You're going to need some help fighting him, remember?" Chais said, closing his trench coat for warmth. "I decided I'll tag along and collect my share of bounty when the job's done."

"In the condition you stay out of my way," Vecto said, motioning him to follow as he walked into the teleportation building.

Chais took that as yes. "Then it's a deal. Any more leads?"

"Unfortunately not."

"So where to next?"

"Back to the ship."

Chais slowed his pace and squinted. "Wait a sec. That's a no-zone for me. They'll put me back into jail, man."

"That's the point."

"Ha, ha, funny," Chais said. He had a better idea for their new destination, somewhere he'd been yearning to go since Vecto first told him about the world. "How 'bout Earth? We can go there. What do you say?"

(With dangerous robots waiting on the Corona, would Vecto even be interested in going to Earth? Find out more in the next installment of Vecto: Voyage!)

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