Chapter 1: Always

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"And I'll take you back if you'd have me. So here I am, I'm trying. So here I am, are you ready?"

My alarm clock starts ringing so loud. I reach over and hit the snooze. I feel so sleepy. Luckily that was just my first alarm that woke me up. I look over to my phone. Crap! That wasn't the first, it was the third! I'm going to be late! I jump out of bed and quickly get ready. I run to the bathroom and freshen up. I run back to the room and quickly put on my clothes. I walk back over to the bed.

"Wake up! We overslept!"

He groans from under the pillow. "Five more minutes."

"No five more minutes." I take the pillow from him. "My art history final is today and I can't be late!"

I run back over to bathroom and make sure I look decent for the day. I walk back over the bed and poke him until he wakes up. "Wake up sleepyhead."

He finally opens his eyes and I'm greeted by those familiar blue eyes. He stretches his arms over his head and finally sits up. "You're lucky that I like you a lot or I would've stayed in bed."

I smile at him. "Yeah well you have to get somewhere too. So c'mon before we're both late."

He gets up from bed and puts on his shirt. "First, I want toast." He walks out of the room and into the kitchen.




"Stupid traffic. I just hope I'm not late!"

"Don't worry. There's still time." Johnnie says before taking another bite of his toast.

"I told you that you should've set an alarm too! I knew something like this would've happened."

"Yeah well I did say we should sleep early. But someone wanted to continue watching Adventure Time until 2 in the morning."

"Says the person that's known to sleep when the sun's rising." I laugh.

He laughs. "Yeah okay I'll keep quiet."

A lot has happened in the past few months I've been in California. School's been great. I love every bit of it. Living with Blake has been great. Everything's been going great for me. And then there's Johnnie. A few days after he came back from tour we decided to give it another shot. We really don't have a label for whatever we are, but it's working for us. I mean sure it's been bumpy from time to time, but we've been working on it. Johnnie has been doing great too. He's been handling his time better and isn't as stressed as before. Still working on Youtube videos for his channel, MDE, and now he has his music career picking up. He's been busy with that lately, but somehow he managed to find the time to learn to drive. Which still scares me to this day. But it's nice being driven around now and then, especially when we go on dates. Everything has been fine. Then again, me and Johnnie do still need to have a talk later.

"We're here." Johnnie says as he pulls up in front of my school. "Want me to pick you up after your exam?"

"I'll ride with Blake later. We're still on for tonight right?"

He nods. "Only if you are."

We hear a tap on the window and look over to see Blake signaling me to hurry up.

"Guess I'll get going." I lean over and give him a quick kiss on the cheek before getting out.

"Good luck with your exam. I'll see you later."

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