Bonus Chapter: Eyelids

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"I'll face my fear of the evening once I get used to this feeling. I can't sleep that's when you're torn away from me. While I'm dreaming I feel you leaving"

*Johnnie's POV*

We're walking in the garden and I can't help but gaze at her. She's so beautiful tonight. I mean she always is, but tonight she outdid herself for prom. I can't help but smile to myself knowing that I'm the most luckiest guy in the world to have someone like Skye in my life. I know things have been rocky these past couple of weeks, but I'm willing to change that. Bryan talked to me not to long ago, telling me that my career was about to skyrocket real quick. I had a lot planned, we had a lot planned. Studio time, traveling, tours, I was ready to take on having more opportunities and working with more sponsors. Things are changing for me, but I don't want Skye to think that this means that things have to change between us. I don't plan to tell her all this being that it's her prom night and I want to keep it special, but I do plan to talk to her before I have to fly back home tomorrow. But before I do that. I want to give her something. Something special. But I know we have to talk before I can show her how much she means to me. We've been fighting lately and there's things we need to clear up. We sit by a bench and I take a deep breath.

"So. We need to talk don't we?"

"And I love you too. Which is why... we need to break up."

I feel like my heart just dropped and shattered into millions of pieces. Is she being serious? I'm starting to feel sick. I can't even talk right now. All I do is listen to why she thinks we need to break up. I feel like I failed her. But I can't let this happen. I put my hand in my pocket, ready to pull out the ring...but there's something holding me back. I want to give it to her in hopes that it'll save our relationship...but I can't do it. I just hold onto it and try to talk to her out of breaking up with me. We continue to talk and then I finally take my hand out of my pocket, without the ring, knowing there's no turning back, and knowing she's right about everything. Maybe she's right. And as much as I don't want to admit it..this is actually good timing. Not just for me, but for the both of us, to figure out our lives, our future. Things aren't just changing for me but for her as well. I guess maybe time apart will be the best for now. When you love something, they say set it free, right? I just hope that it is meant to be. All I can really do now is focus on myself and hope for the best.

After I take her back home and go back to my hotel, I just get in bed and lay down. Now that I'm alone I can finally take in everything that happened. I really wish I wasn't alone right now. I really wish things didn't have to be this way. I take the ring out of my pocket and stare at it, looking at every detail, every thought I put into it hoping she'll love it. I look at the engraving inside and softly smile to myself before letting out a stray tear. Remembering what we had, wishing there was something more I can do. Where did I go wrong?


I bolt up and look around realizing I'm still at the airport. I must have fallen asleep.

"You okay dude?" Kyle asks me. He's sitting next to me eating a bagel. "You were sleeping for a while."

"I'm long have we been here?"

"Almost two hours. There's a snowstorm in Columbus so our flight got delayed."

I had a connecting flight in Columbus before actually heading home. I didn't mind. At least I got to hang with Kyle. I sit upright on my seat, trying to shake the dream out of my mind.

"You sure you okay? It looked like you were having a nightmare or something."

"It wasn't really a nightmare...more like a memory." I look at my phone and see a text from Skye.

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