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You know those people, the ones with the huge glasses and books that they've read a couple of hundred times, the stereotype of a nerd. I was faced with one of these freakishly annoying brats today, Brynn Rumfallo. She'd been following me around for ages saying she'd do my homework if she could sit with us because she thinks I need her to help me study.

"Look if you don't turn around I'll just assume you don't care about me and I'll leave but I saw your F! I can help you." Brynn persists.

"I may have turned around but be certain that I still don't give to fucks about you," I say "but I'm willing to take your help."

"What do I get in return, I mean I don't need anything but your rich- and I'm gonna stop talking." Brynn mumbles.

"You can have lunch with us plus I think it's time you tossed out those scrunchies, don't you. My house at 6." I smirk.

"I'm actually busy-" Brynn starts.

"Oh sweetie, it wasn't a question." I smile

"Oh ok, I have to go but see you later." Brynn says dropping her books on the floor, I step around her and walk away.


"We have a protege, ladies." I smile.

"Is that like slang for announcing your period or something?" Kendall asks.

"Yes, of course it is Kendall, we have a period, look I'm literally bleeding onto this bench please save me I think I might just die." I say, sarcastically whilst rolling my eyes.

"Who?" Jojo asks, obviously ignoring Kendall's ignorance and stupidity.

"Brynn Rumfallo, I've been wanting to give her a makeover for months. Let's just hope faking a few Fs was worth it." I smile.

"Um, why? That girl is so far over the ugly line, she can't even see it. Plus she's reading great expectations for the fourth time, the only thing I read four times is Kim Kardashian's selfie book." Mackenzie gasps, she couldn't stand 'intruders' coming into the group she would've flushed Ava down the toilet and if it wasn't for Paige, I would've let her.

"I'm not making her over just so she can be popular, don't you know me? If I make her hot she'll do anything I want." I smirk.

"Don't you think that's wrong? I mean it sounds fun but it's wrong." Ava mutters.

"Of course it's wrong, If somethings right then it isn't fun," I laugh. Ava was a serious goody goody and I was just about done with her holier than thou attitude. "I'm just using her so that I can get what I want."

"You're sick." Ava whispers.

"Don't you know my golden rule? Supporting people won't get you what you want, getting people out of your way, that's how you become successful." I say.


"So Brynn, what do you do in your spare time?" I ask pretending to be interested.

"Read, study, read some more." Brynn laughs nervously.

"Nothing interesting? Haven't robbed any banks?" I say.

"Nope, clean as a whistle." Brynn smiles

"Well aren't you boring, I'm sure you and Ava will get along perfectly." I look over my shoulder to Ava.

"If she lives that long." Ava rolls her eyes.

"Anyone you like Brynn?" Chloe asks.

"Yes but I can't tell." Brynn mutters.

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