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OMN, what's the goss?

Last updated: 03/13/16 at 06:37pm

I'm sorry for my lack of posts recently but you know when one of your friends get murdered it's quite hard to post about Sophia Lucia's "tragic" accident, anyway, I am sure you've all heard about the actually tragic deaths of Brynn Rumfallo and Jojo Siwa, I know what you're thinking, Brynn who? Brynn was a new friend of mine and if I'm 100% honest, like my deceased friend, Jojo would want me to be, I have to admit I had little idea of who this geek Brynn Rumfallo was, but for those of you who want to know, here's the run down.

Brynn Rumfallo was a straight A book worm, who was totally in love with her biology teacher, LIKE WTF? Anyway here she is in her last ever photo, looking beautiful (I wish I could say as always but if you saw our school's production of The Wizard of Oz, you'll know what I mean.) I guess that's all you need to know, well except that she has an honorary from Obama but Maddie still doesn't believe me about that.

I also wanted to address any rumours going around about our group. Kalani did not kill Brynn because she thought that when Brynn came to school looking good it would steal her "thunder" and also I DO NOT have anything to do with Jojo's death because she had recently reached 5.5k followers on instagram, PLEASE, this blog has had at least 10k readers, plus Jojo's lame instagram is totally different to OMN. I know y'all are curious to find who has killed these two, but I don't think it's Paige, she's dead remember, I made a blog post on it, if you want me to point my finger then I will point it toward Ava Cota, she definitely isn't as goody-goody as she comes across.



"Why are you so caught up about Jojo's death Nia?" I ask looking from Friday nights blog post.

"I don't get how it doesn't affect you guys, you're all here happy-clappy as ever, do you even remember Jojo?" Nia mumbles.

"Of course we do, I'm just thankful for some peace and quiet, my phone has never been so calm, none of you text me," Mackenzie moans as her phone buzzes, "A bit late now."

"That wasn't us." Kalani says pulling away from her mirror.

"Oh-" Mackenzie stutters.

"Did you not win those shoes you were bidding on?" Chloe laughs.

"They don't text you, but I do. Who's next that's for me to choose." Mackenzie reads aloud, I look up and look around the cafeteria we were sat in. Unfortunately everyone from Kamryn Beck to Josh Hyland were staring at phone screens or typing texts.

"I wish I had enough time on my hands plan out several murders." I roll my eyes.

"Do you guys think we should try and find out who murdered Brynn and Jojo?" Ava asks.

"We don't have to, we all know it's you." I shrug, it was pretty obvious, Ava does nothing but complain about how nasty and bitchy we are, no one else hates us enough to kill us.

"Maddie? You think I'm killing the group?" Ava gasped, as if she was actually surprised.

"Not just me, are you being a bad 'friend' and not reading Nia's blog?" I ask.

"So you all think I'm a murderer?" Ava says.

"I did say "we all know it's you," I'd appreciate it if you would actually listen to me for once." I repeat, "You've got one chance to prove that you're not a murderer, Chloe's house tonight. You are going to stay right by my side the entire evening and if someone dies then we will know that you're not a murderer." 

"Well when someone dies, we can all blame Maddie and her stupid ideas," Ava laughs confidently, strutting away from us, she turns back and says, "Don't worry I'm using the toilet, none of you will die in the next five minutes."

"you'd know." Kalani shouts as Ava continued walking toward the bathroom.

"Let's see if she's going to the toilet to pee or to text," I snatch Mackenzie's phone from her hands and type a text to the blocked number, "Hello Ava, in case you haven't already noticed we're on to you, if I was you I'd run while I could still hide. - Maddie."  

"You just texted a serial killer, nice move Maddie. In case you haven't noticed they already want to kill us, you don't need anger the volcano." Mackenzie rolls her eyes.

"What does a serial killer have to do with volcanos?" Kendall asks, obviously not focusing on the point, as usual.

Mackenzie's phone beeps and she gets another text from the blocked number, "I don't need to run, I'm already hidden in plain sight."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Nia asks and I snatch Mackenzie's phone off her again, "Ava?"

"I don't know about you guys but I'm not really in the mood for text convos with a murderer." Kalani mumbles.

"Look, Ava's on her way back," Chloe points out and after a while Ava comes back and sits on the table, "Have a nice trip?"

"Not really, Why are you guys looking at my like that?" Ava asks.

"Because you're a murderer and I don't like murderers." Nia explains.

"I know it's only been five minutes but are you all still caught up in that idea?" Ava frowns, acting innocently. I could tell it was an act, my mother tells me regularly to trust nobody and if Ava thinks that she's going to fool me she has another thing coming.


"So isn't this just the most fun you've had in ages." Ava rolls her eyes sarcastically.

"We just need to know if you're a back stabbing murderer," I state, "also if the highly unlikely event of somebody dying tonight, whoever that is, sorry in advance, you will be remembered as a brave, loyal friend." 

"When you die, you can also blame her in hell for her incredibly stupid ideas." Ava smirks.

"Please be a good suspect and shut up." I fake smile, even if there is a death tonight I will always believe that Ava had something to do with it.

"What if someone does die?" Nia asks.

"We clean up any evidence that could put us in jail for Paige's death, as per." I point out.

"I don't know about you but going to jail is starting to sound a lot better than getting murdered." Mackenzie rolls her eyes.

"Either way I am not dying or going to jail looking like a mess." Kalani laughs pulling out her make up bag and heading to the bathroom.

"I need to pee, so Ava you're going to have to come with me, don't worry I'll leave you outside." I get up and walk out the door.

"Oh no, I don't think I can conceal the need to kill one of you bitches," Ava rolls her eyes but she still follows on behind me. We walk in silence until we are at the top of Chloe's stairs, "I think it's about time you disappeared." Ava whispered harshly, pulling out a knife from her pocket and she tries to stab me with it, whilst dodging one of her hits I trip and tumble down the stairs, I scream as I hit the hard wooden floor at the bottom. Ava runs down the stairs and straight out the front door.

"Maddie, what happened? Are you ok?" Chloe asks rushing with the other girls to my side.

"Ava tried to kill me, with a knife and I fell down the stairs, Ava's gone," I gasp "And clearly I'm not ok, I am traumatised, I almost got killed and now my back hurts." Suddenly there is screaming from upstairs.

"Kalani," I whisper, "Someone help me up." Chloe helps me up and we all go up to see what happened to Kalani, she probably just got lipstick on her teeth.

"Oh my God." Nia gasps and we all look in to see what has happened, Kalani is on the floor, unconscious with finger markings around her neck, even in death she still looks stunning.

"Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who is the deadliest of them all?" Mackenzie reads the statement that is written over Chloe's mirror in Kalani's bright pink lipstick. 

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