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I stare down into the hole in the ground and watch as Brynn's body is lowered into the grave, her mom and dad are crying over the grave, they blame us, I can tell.

"Rest in piece, bitch." I whisper throwing dirt onto her grave and Chloe comes and puts her arm around me.

"It's not our fault, Maddie, we didn't do this." She smiles.

"It is my fault though, isn't it? Brynn was our friend for about an hour, I killed Paige shouldn't I be first to die?" I mutter.

"Nobody told anyone, not even Ava." Kalani says.

"Plus Paige's death was totally an accident." Jojo mumbles

"Brynn's friend Maddie Ziegler would like to say a few words." The man leading the service smiles, as if it's a birthday party and not a funeral.

As I walk over to the front Ava rolls her eyes at me and Brynn's parents haven't looked sadder the entire morning.

"I would just like to say what happened to my dear friend Brynn Rumafallo was a great misfortune, I didn't know her very long but the two hours spent with her were two of my very best. I'm sorry for her death, which by the way was not my fault at all, we have truly lost someone special." I lie.



I jump at the sound of all our phones buzzing at once, like some real life pretty little liars moment. I fumble around in my bag for my phone and read the text, "Paige's death might've been an 'accident' but Brynn's death certainly wasn't."

"This is actually annoying, this is probably just Brynn messing with us because she's angry about being dead." Mackenzie rolls her eyes obviously thinking this was a sick joke.

"Are you an idiot? No one who was as desperate as Brynn was to be friends with us doesn't fake their death." Chloe points out.

"Now Brynn's dead, just like Paige." Ava mutters.

"Do you guys remember when Paige died?" Kalani asks.

"Of course." Nia mutters.


"Come on guys, it's a prank. Paige will laugh it off, she always does." I smiled as I walked over to Paige's front door and knocked on.

"Plus it's not like she has never like pranked us." Jojo added, also adding the word 'like' into the sentence too many times.

"But Maddie this is extreme, what if it goes wrong?" Ava asked.

"It won't, I've known Paige my entire life, she loves pranks." I laughed, knocking on Paige's front door, eventually it swings open to reveal Paige.

"Hey guys," Paige smiled "what's up?"

"Not much, we were wondering if you would like to come to lunch at the mall?" I asked.

"Sure, let me grab my coat." Paige said heading back inside her house.

I turned around and smiled, "See it's all going smoothly and that's how it will stay, you hear me?"

"Ready to go?" Paige asked as she walked past me and stood beside Chloe, she was always trying to hang out with Chloe and I hated that.

"Did you hear about Kamryn and Gino? Talk about the odd couple." Nia rolled her eyes as we all climbed into my silver convertible.

"Erm, Maddie the mall is that way." Paige pointed out.

"I know." I smirked, signalling to Mackenzie that it was time. Mackenzie threw a bag over Paige's head and I kept driving.

"Guys, what's going on? Will you bitches get this stupid bag off my head so maybe when we get to lunch I can actually eat it?"Paige screamed from inside the bag, she kept screaming until she eventually stopped.

I parked the car into a garage and snatched the bag from Paige's head and revealed an unconscious Paige. "God Paige, kinda bad time to take a nap." Kendall sighed.

"Don't panic, Kalani check her pulse." I frowned, ignoring Kendall, as usual.

"There isn't one." Kalani stated.

"Maddie, I think she's dead." Chloe whispered, a tear fell onto her cheek.

"Better Paige than me." Mackenzie muttered rudely.

"Maddie idk what we're going to do, she's like totally dead." Jojo gasped.

"It'll be ok, I'll call an ambulance and say that she just stopped breathing." I said, nervously.

"We have to tell them the truth, Maddie you killed Paige and I'm pretty sure that it wasn't an accident." Ava raised her eyebrows.

"You know nothing, Paige was one of my closest friends this was an accident." I cried.

"The cops won't see it that way, I certainly don't, I mean you're clearly jealous of Paige." Ava smirked.

"If you tell the cops, I will tell them and everyone that you are the only mega bitch in this group and that of course you wanted to murder Paige because you're a maniac and you need locking away and if they don't believe me then I will pay them money to get you out of my life." I snapped.

"Fine." Ava muttered knowing she couldn't intimidate me, even after Paige's death.


"Was Paige's death an accident?" Kalani asks twiddling with her hair.

"Of course it was, I'm not a psychopath, I don't go round suffocating people." I roll my eyes.

"Guys, where's Jojo?" Chloe asks.

"She's probably just trying to get a wifi signal somewhere so she can send a remembrance tweet about Brynn." Nia mutters.

"Me and Chloe will go to find her, I want to get going, all the dead bodies are beginning to creep me out." I say and me and Chloe walk around the burial site shouting for Jojo. Whilst walking along the row of graves where both Paige and Brynn are buried I spot a hole in the ground.

"Maddie, look at the ground." Chloe whispers. I look down to see bloody red foot prints leading to the hole. We follow the footprints running over and see Jojo's dead body lying there in the mud and dirt of the grave, all lifeless and bloody, both of us scream.

"Oh my God, Jojo too." Chloe cries.

"Eh, she was kind of annoying." I mutter, honestly.

"I'm going to ignore that, I'll shout the others." Chloe says with tears running down her cheeks, walking towards the direction that the others are standing.

"They probably heard us screaming." I roll my eyes, still staring at Jojo in the grave, above the hole there was a tombstone with a message written on it, "You're in grave danger now." Ha, funny at least we know this serial killer has a sense of humour.

"Jojo?" Nia screams "Who did this?" Nia and Jojo were pretty close, with their social media personalities and all that.

"If we knew we wouldn't be here we'd be down the station reporting this sick and slightly funny serial killer." I point out.

"Maddie, this is not a comedy club. Your friends are dying left, right and centre." Ava says.

"I wouldn't call Brynn a friend." Mackenzie laughs.

"You clearly don't like me so leave, no one has asked for you to stay." I shout.

"You know what I will do if you kick me out." Ava shrugs.

"Yeah and you know what I'll do if you go to the cops." I smirk.

"Guys stop, Jojo is dead, we need to call the police and tell them that there is a serial killer out and about." Chloe points out.

"Fine, Kalani you're on your phone call the cops." I order.

"But I'm checking my already beautiful complexion." Kalani groans.

"Do you want to get killed? Because I don't." I ask and she calls the police.

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