Ch.2 - I hate you, but this compromise should do.

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"I hate you."

"I know, you've said that for the last 6 minutes."

"I hate you."

"Ok, 7 minutes."

After the Games assembly was done, we were sent to the nurse to get the chip implanted on our arm. It was placed where the shoulder meets the arm, and then after that, they waved off all classes for the rest of the day. Yes, for everyone.

But for the contestants of the Games, they decided to put us all on a date at the university's local café. To everyone else it was a bit uncomfortable, to me, its torture! I'm on a *shudders* date with Logan Swift, a date any girl would kill for, and I date I would die on. Literally.

"I hate you."

"Will you shut up and eat your spaghetti?! I hate you too!"

"Its not here yet."


I looked down and scowled, sure enough a plate of spaghetti was placed under my nose and the scent of basil and tomato wafted up into my nose.

I grabbed my fork and shoved some spaghetti into my mouth, chewed, and swallowed. I continued to do that routine until the spaghetti was gone, and all that I could see was the white porcelain plate.

"Ugh, how are we going to go through this?" Logan asked. I looked up. Across the small two-seat table, Logan was rubbing his temples, and he was clearly in distress.

"I don't know." I crossed my arms and laid back against the chair, "We hate each other to no extent, how are we going to fall for each other?"

He rubbed his temples some more, "I don't know. I hate the psychology professor. This is one retarded psychology project. How can you trick someone into falling for you when they already know?"

I frowned, "Well we do have about 9 to 10 months, and each day you have to spend a minimum about 2 to 4 hours with them. In that amount of time, someone's bound to fall for the other."

He grimaced, "True, but if one does. Their heart gets broken, then the other person leaves. What now? If 1 person gets heart-broken from each pair, that'll leave about 5 people left. And there is only ONE prize. They can't certainly split the prize, but I guess the professor has something up his sleeve or else he wouldn't even host the Games."

I nodded slowly at him, "Yeah, but it still doesn't make any sense. Professor's probably hiding something, if he isn't, this game would be completely stupid and irrelevant."


"I know."

We sat there in silence for a couple of minutes, just thinking. The professor wouldn't put up a project like this if there was going to be multiple winners...right? I hate psychology.

"You ready to go?" Logan asked.

I looked up Logan had already stood up, and was waiting for my response.

"Yeah, let's go." I grabbed my shoulder, bag stood up, and together we exited the café. Since this was for a "psychology project" the meal at the café was free. 

"Where to next? We have about 1 hour to kill before I can get away from your horrifying presence." I told Logan, we were now walking around the greenery of the campus, trying to find something to do. 

He glared down at me, "Horrifying? Please, to the ladies it would be heaven. Oh wait... you're not a lady."

Now the real full-out hate was going to begin, the little act of civility in the café was merely a priority. Just so the bystanders wouldn't be harmed. Yeah, our hate for each other was strong.

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