(ᴛняєє) - ̲H̲̲a̲̲r̲̲r̲̲y̲

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Louis wasn't definitely a person who liked taking risks. Risk means that you're willing to go against all odds. A risk can potentially ruin a person's life, and turn it upside down whenever it pleased. So why is exactly meeting a certain hybrid change his mind?

Disclaimer: All rights belong to me, and the events depicted in any of these chapters should not be taken literally.

Note: Don't exactly know what to feel about this chapter.

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I didn't like this--not at all. The way his ears remained plastered beneath his massive curls, the perimeter between us getting larger and larger per second. The way his tail seemed dead and lifeless underneath the translucent bath water. His expression frightened and grim. I wanted to no more than soothe the boy, but what was I to do? His mind seemed to have been fixated as to inch away from anyone who tried to touch him, so how exactly can I do that? And plus he hates me, so the situation is much, much worst.

I wanted to be mad, to be frustrated, to tell him that things are going to be alright, but how exactly can I do that when he wants nothing to do with me? "Lou." Liam analyzed me with a frown, obviously aware of what I was thinking and giving my shoulder a comforting squeeze. I sighed, offering him the best smile I could give at the moment and stretching my hand to pat the curly-headed boy's damp curls, who just furrowed his eyebrows even tighter, inched further away, his lips on a thin line. "You'll be alright Curly," I whispered softly into his velvety black ears. "you'll be alright."

He kept still, seemingly more tensed. I chewed on my bottom lip feeling a bit irritated yet sympathetic. I didn't want him to be irritated at me for trying to help and yet I couldn't help but feel a twinge of understanding on his part. If the situation was forced upon me, even my reaction would be equal to or similar to what he was doing; maybe even even worst--I throw one of the biggest tantrums--so, it's definitely understandable.

Deciding for my well-being, I got up and stretched my limbs and joints from the uncomfortable crouch from earlier as I headed towards the door. "I need some air." I stated mindlessly, reaching for the door knob, only to be halted to a stop with something damp holding me in place. My eyes drifted to my wrist and the black wet tail that hang tightly around it. Curly looked at me pleadingly, reaching out his hands into a grabbing notion. I looked at him, obviously confused.

Liam and Niall beamed happily at each other, eyeing me curiously. Curly never released my wrist, almost as if he expected something. I looked to the boys worriedly and they just shrugged. "I think the boy wants to be picked up Lou." Niall snorts, wrapping an arm around his boyfriend's waist. My mouth opened to protest, but that pleading look on the boy's face told me otherwise, so I retracted my mouth, grabbing a fresh towel out of the dresser by the door and approached him with caution.

"Curly, I'll come get you," I told him. "but please don't hiss at me or something, alright?" he pouted even more, but nevertheless nodded. Slowly, I wrapped an arm around his mid-chest area, silently helping him out of the tub. His whole body dripped of excess water, so I dried his hair, with a few minor rumble of complaint from the boy's throat, but still, he seemed to have understood what I asked. Before I could even get close to leaving the premises, my eyes drifted to Liam and he nodded understandingly, hoisting the mop up to his boyfriend with a pleading pout. Niall rolled his eyes, accepting the mop begrudgingly. "Stupid pout.. Gets me every bloody time." he grumbled slightly. "What was that?" Liam asks. Niall rolls his eyes. "Nothing!" he mummers innocently. After Curly was dry enough, I wrapped the towel around his waist with a proud smile, leading him into my bedroom, obviously ignoring the make-out session happening inside the bathroom; Can't believe how ridiculous that sounded, nor do I think it's one of their worst places for sucking each other's faces off.

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