(Ten) - ƤƛƇƬ

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Louis wasn't definitely a person who liked taking risks. Risk means that you're willing to go against all odds. A risk can potentially ruin a person's life, and turn it upside down whenever it pleased. So why is exactly meeting a certain hybrid change his mind?

Disclaimer: All rights belong to me, and the events depicted in any of these chapters should not be taken literally.

Note: So, like I apologize for not being able to update as fast, but I am trying to put conjure up increments of different stories and 2 oneshots together for you all. Really sorry for the massive delay, you all have been very patient with me. Thank you! .x

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I honestly wasn't sure what I was expecting when I got home. From the sound of urgency in Liam's voice, I'm sure that I'll probably be stuck in a day-long lecture, going on and on about taking care of Harry properly, and how it was stupid of me to just wander off alone, without even telling somebody where I was going in the first place.

This sensation felt foreign to me, actually. It was like the whole 'steer-clear-of-any-danger' part of my brain was shut off whenever I thought of assisting Harry with something, like I was willing to do almost anything to keep him out of danger.

I don't know if I should be proud or scared.. Proud because, although I'm usually not one to be committed to something out of pure interest, I was able to pull through with Harry. But scared, because I do not know what I'm fully capable off, and in what great lengths am I willing to keep not only myself but Harry, Liam and Niall also in this little bubble where none of us could get hurt.

What am I doing? Why am I thinking of this now?!

I've barely even known the lad, met him hardly a month ago, and I'm yet to be informed on anything Harry related, other than his first name (probably) and that he liked twix bars (though I've never seen him ask for very many) and preferred baths over showers (baths that is preferably bubbly enough to make a beard with--no, it is not endearing).

I'm a bit skeptical on the whole story about the inked skin, and distrust of people touching him (other than his hair--he likes to be petted), let alone stare at his naked body for far too long (remember to control your thoughts Tomlinson). So, if I was to compare the knowledge I knew about Liam and Niall, I've barely even dented the stone when it came to Harry. He's an enigma who isn't intending to be; it's a bit unnerving really.

So, just as I was at least half a block away, my ears picked up a few grunts and angry profanities coming from my flat's location(?), so I fastened my pace, with heightened breathing, blood pounding along my ears, but then I remembered that there's but a large possibility that both of them might be willing to kill me just for the act I just pulled. I may have slowed down when I was only a meter away eyeing the two by the door warily, and I may have hesitantly taken each step accompanied by a slow pace that can be matched than that of a turtles.

"I swear to god Li! I swear to god, would you please help me with him!"

"Let me go!" Harry screeches, attempting to pull out from Niall's grip on both of his arms, tail in frantic waves as he squirms, and kicks, just as Liam arrives with one of my spare beanies. "Need to find Louis! Let.me.go!" 

"Liii!" Niall huffs, clenching his eyes in the struggle to keep Harry in place.

"Hang on." Liam soothes, as he slips the grey beanie atop Harry's curly waves, his feline ears hidden beneath the thick mane. This seemed to have assisted with the curly-haired boy's composure as his struggling appeared to have weakened.. "There, now," he says. "I'll take your spot, and you grab him by the legs, yeah?" Liam offers with nothing but fondness.

Now or Never {Larry Hybrid!AU}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें