(εıɢнt) - Ɓєαcн

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Louis wasn't definitely a person who liked taking risks. Risk means that you're willing to go against all odds. A risk can potentially ruin a person's life, and turn it upside down whenever it pleased. So why is exactly meeting a certain hybrid change his mind?

Disclaimer: All rights belong to me, and the events depicted in any of these chapters should not be taken literally.

Note: Aigh't, this'll be a brief message so you guys can get on reading soon enough. Brief Niam, lotsa Larry. ****Please remember to vote**** and I hope you enjoy a longer chapter than the rest (my writing is expanding), hope you guys enjoy 1D Day right now and if you're not, good luck with 7 hours of pure, entertaiment when you wake up!!! Picture of Harry's outfit on the beach below!



"Liam, c-can Harry remove t-the cl-cloth thing out of L-Louis' eyes yet?"

"No, not yet Harry, he'll definitely try to bite at us, maybe even kick at our heads if you do, so just like, keep him like that."

"Are you kidding Ni?" Liam snorts. "He'd definitely kill us if he found out we're doing this for the luxury of at least having a longer weekend, using his van to take him on a getaway while we ditched classes just to spend time with you at the beach."

"Shh, he's not supposed to hear that you idiot." Niall groans, a sound of a slap echoing through the air.

"You're the idiot, idiot... You came up with the plan... 'Sides, I'm still wondering how he's still asleep, it's been like 9 hours since we knocked him out and he's still sleeping. Maybe I hit too hard? Ni, d'you think I concussed him or 'summat?"

"The hell would I know? I'm not a strong and handsomely buffed man like you, so how would I kno--"

A groan escapes my lips as I started blinking, head fuzzy from the last time I was awake, only to see nothing but blackness covering my eyes.

"What the hell?!" I tried to grab at whatever was draped over my eyes, only to discover that both my hands were tightly bound against something sticky, very much like molasses or maybe one of those kinky ropes that Liam always forget to hide when I visited his place (I get this little shiver even when I start thinking about that), but sticky enough to keep my hands in place, totally unable to move as my body involuntarily shifts from different angles as tiny 'Oomffs' escaped my mouth at each turn to feel myself collide with hard material which I'm assuming was arm rests, literally poking hard against my sides, taking my breath away at each collision.

Within seconds, I felt a warm, larger hand tug at my body to keep me still, warm fur, which I assumed was Harry's tail, wrapped tightly around my wrist comfortingly as Harry consoles with Liam once more, an angrier tone laced within his voice.

"Liam, Ha--I.. I am serious, L-Louis i-is getting hurt and I-I don't ap-appreciate that." Harry huffs angrily, face so close to me that I could feel his breath as soon as it escapes his nose and graze along lightly against my the exposed skin on my arm. And no, it most certainly did not cause slight shivers to form on my skin.

"Harry, you can't, not ye--"

"Oi Liam! Keep an eye on the road!" Niall hisses as vehicle took a quick sharp turn, rendering me bruised to one side, eliciting a small groan from my lips as I couldn't rub at it, feeling the slight burn.

"I'm taking it off." Harry states proudly, sentence voiced with clear clarity that he almost sounded like an annoyed person who no more than only wanted to protect his friend from getting harmed by the evil arm rests that still continued to remain very much in place as earlier, prodding at my sides just as another turn had occurred.

In a quick flash, Harry had clumsily unwrapped the blindfold out of my eyes, long fingers wrapping from my ear to the back of my head to undo the knot, vision that was covered with dark blankets of blackness, at a haste, transitioning to bright lights.

I drifted my eyes to a close, squirming away into the shadows, groaning as I blinked away the sudden change in lighting and looked thankfully to Harry who sat happily by my side, tail swishing into ecstatic waves and bright ivory teeth smiling at me and big green eyes scanning me with a hint of sparkle as he crowds towards me, a slight irritated hiss escaping his lips as he notices the seatbelt clinging to his chest in restriction.

I smiled brightly at him with an apologetic shrug. "Thanks Curly, now would you mind taking this--" I looked over to my restricted arms bound together by packaging tape. "Tape off of me? It sorta feels downright painful like this." It wasn't exactly a lie.

Harry's face changes in an instant, worried expression to bubbly excited. "Tape, tape, tape." He crowed happily, eyes scanning me as to what I was referring to, till he sees the wiggling in my fingers and points at the sticky material that held both my hands together.

"Tape?" He asks, cocking his head to the side, cute green eyes staring at me in wonder as he looks to me for confirmation.

My smile grew larger approvingly, bobbing my head in approval as Harry reaches out for the material eagerly, hands fumbling just slightly as he tries to at first tug at it, which didn't work, next, the use his molar canine teeth to prod at it, only to have him make a noise of annoyance on the back of his throat as he looked sad at the moment, eyes welled up like he lost a million pounds for a lottery ticket that he didn't win.

"L-Louis, Harry, Harry can't take the t-tape off." He states sadly, not even bothering to talk in a regular conversation like he usually tries to do as he starts covering his face with both his hands, tiny sniffles coming from his cute nose as he shrunk smaller into his seat, shame down pouring on not only his mood, but mine and Liam's also, as the upbeat music pounding earlier transitions to a slow, soulful hum.

My smile was instantly replaced in a sheepish frown as I prodded at his leg with the tip of my shoe; insistently at that, because it seemed like Harry was definitely avoiding any sort of eye-contact with me in shame as he couldn't do such a simple task to tug at the end of the tape.


No answer.

"Harry, Curly, yoohoo!!"

Still nothing.

I sighed, sitting back in my seat, both hands still bound behind me, but I didn't bother to care right now. I know it really shouldn't really be a big deal, because of a mere tape, but I couldn't help but worry when the Curly-haired hybrid acted like this.


It took a while, but Harry sniffles onto his tattoo-clad arm for a brief second, before staring at me with nothing but pure sadness in his eyes, both his ears and tail hanging limply down from where they sat.

"Curly, lovely, just.. Just peel this end here, let me show you, alright? You don't need to be sad, s'not like you did anything wrong." I hissed the last part, staring pointedly at the couple who were definitely sweating from beneath my gaze, their eyes drifting to anybody--anything but me, a faint song that I vaguely recognized as Leona Lewis playing softly on the background.

Harry instantly brightened, sad tantrum unnoticeable, not noticing the tense atmosphere surrounding us and asked me where he could peel from, hands fumbling with the material in my hands as he took no time to let me give him a valid instruction as to how to successfully release me from my bindings.

"Oh, just turn it over--yeah, there, right there, just peel it alright?" I hummed approvingly as Harry nods, velvety ears finally resurfacing from his thick nest of curls as he peels though the material proudly, tail swishing in endless waves as he got to the other end, gently plucking the tape off of me, eyes glittering proudly as he literally sways the material in front of my face like a medal; recognizing his accomplishment.

"Harry got the tape off L-Louis, is L-Louis proud of Harry?" He smiles shyly, cheeks transitioning into a light pink shade, ears fidgeting anxiously as he awaits my reply.

My heart swelled ever-so-slightly as I reached a hand out to him, motioning him to scoot just a little closer as his head was a bit too far for my liking and I couldn't reach anything but thin loopy strands of curls looped behind his human ears, looking quite disorganized, but definitely adorable.

He tilted his head innocently, pretty little doe mint-green eyes confused as to what I was trying to do. "Come a little closer Curly." I chuckled, making grabby-hands just like what he had done before.

Surprisingly, he complies, giving a little sheepish grin as he tilts his head towards me, feline ears fidgeting just slightly as I massaged his scalp, making sure to touch just in feather-like touches to soothe him.

He seemed to be enjoying this little intimate moment, a tiny purr emitting from the back of his throat as he pushes onto my hand to show that he wanted something more than small gestures.

The couple in the front snickers just slightly, Niall sneaking secretive glances in my direction (which is not so much of a secret as I could see him, regardless of his futile attempts to try to occupy himself with some sandwiches that Liam had most likely packed specifically for his boyfriend's glutinous appetite), while Liam kept a small smile on his face. Believe me when I say I wanted to beat the two up on the spot, but with Harry as a distraction, I wouldn't mind re-scheduling.

Absentmindedly, I started scratching his ears a little too hard, making him blink up at me for a few seconds before tilting his head just slightly so I can start scratching his scalp also, hair feathery soft as my hands lay on it and his ears fidgeting ever few seconds as he purrs shamelessly, clearly appreciating my handy work.

We both stayed like that for a few brief moments, before I heard awkward fits of coughs interrupt my and Harry's little moment. I glared at the two, seeing them look at me apologetically with someone from outside Liam's window speaking not a minute later.

"A party of 4 please." Liam smiles, nudging Niall for the wallet, to which Niall rolls his eyes to and give Liam some parcels instead.

"Alright sir, and how long will you be staying? There's some beach houses for rent if you'd like?" The girl chimes with a bright smile.

Liam shakes his head, his smile still in place. "No, it's fine, we'll only be here till mid-noon."

The girl seemed crestfallen, but recovered within seconds. "If you'd like to, sir, I can show you to some for sale, maybe something to accommodate the four of you?" she offers.

"Uh no thank you, we'd rather have the entrance fee for mid-noon, four people." Liam shook his head, definitely oblivious, holding up four fingers.

"Sir, I insi--"

"Liam, babe, will you hurry up? M'getting hungry." Niall literally hisses, pressing his mouth towards Liam's left ear, making sure to send a vicious glare to the teenager by the cashier. Liam of course blushed at that.

The girl blinked just slightly, eyeing both Niall and Liam before nodding and allowing the two to go in.

"It-It's on the house." She stutters out, blush coating her cheeks as she quickly hands Liam the right amount of full-day passes before clicking a button to open the gates as we entered.

"U-Uh, y-yeah, thank y-you." Liam flushes even further, this time embarrassed by his boyfriend's actions as the van entered through the pale, sandy floors, fresh pine trees adjacent to one another, the sea appearing calm and serene with it's pale blue waves washing minutely through the shore, gently caressing it at every contact. I could go on forever, but the two bickering in front was much more interesting.

"The hell did you do that for Ni?" Liam hisses, not sounding the slightest angry at all.

Niall rolled his eyes. "Like you don't know."

Liam furrowed his brows. "I don't, why don't you tell me?"

I wanted to snort, but allowed them to continue.

"Really Liam? You 'really' don't know." Niall literally looks like he's about to blow up. "She was flirting with you, that's why! Are you fucking happy with yourself?!"

As Niall fumes, Liam's expression softened as he parked on the sea-side and looking straight into his boyfriend's eyes who literally avoided his gaze.


"Look Liam." Niall sighs, finally looking up. "I don't.. I don't want to share..you..ever. So.. sue me for being protective."

Liam only chuckled, yanking Niall by the back of his neck and full-on snogging him with tongue and everything. Harry, of course basked in awe for who knows how long till the two broke apart from one another.

"You know you're the only one for me." Liam smiles up at Niall.

"I know. It better stay that way Payne." Niall responds fondly, before his expression turns neutral again, suddenly remembering both Harry and I's presence on what seemed like forever.

"We're here." He states somewhat in a clipped tone before yanking on Liam's face this time.

Harry blinked, attention just slightly at them, then his eyes drifted to the side windows, completely unaware on how bright the sun was. He squinted within seconds, scooting over as he was shielding his eyes with a slight hiss as he clearly didn't appreciate the sudden transition in lighting.

I didn't know why, but I found myself apologizing. "Really sorry Curly. Here, let me help you with that." I mumbled comfortingly as I reached over to where Niall sat and quickly snagging his ray bans, despite of his obvious protest and slipping them onto Harry's face, instantly causing the boy's nose to scrunch up adorably as he hesitantly pokes onto its black lenses and gasping innocently as he continued to prod at it.

"Louis, m-my eyes cannot get h-hurt." He chirps excitedly as he repeated the same notion over and over, completely oblivious to his previous problem.

I gave him a chuckle.


He looks up, hands instantly folded at his lap, ray bans seemingly forgotten.

"Yes Louis?" He replies innocently as his tail squirms from his back.

"Take a look out the windows again, won't you?"

He looked reluctant as he looked from a shielded part of the window to me.

"H-Harry's not sure if he s-should.." He replies, shoulders sagging and tail now laying flatly against the back cushion of the seat. "H-hurts eyes." He adds with a small frown etched on his pink, plump lips.

"Just go on Curly." I urged. "It won't hurt a bit."

He pouted, but nevertheless, looking like he trusted me and tilted his head towards the same spot where he had covered his eyes from earlier and gasped the moment he decided that it was safe enough.

"H-Harry can see the l-light, but it can't hurt Harry's eyes anymore." He croons happily as he launches himself right at me, face instantly nuzzling onto the crook of my neck.

"T-Thank you L-Louis." He purrs, rubbing his nose as to where my shoulder and neck meet, stomach seemingly filling up with unwanted butterflies.

"Hey!" Niall protests. "Those are 'my' shades, give 'em--"

"Niall." Liam gives his boyfriend a fixed stare.

"But I--" Niall sighs sadly. "I know." scrubbing his hand down his face.

Liam gave him a quick peck to the boy's lips as he looked at me, eyes glittering excitedly.

"Louis, the waves, we 'have' to go surfing, 'now'!"

I snapped out of my thoughts, instantly registering Liam's words and beaming at the curly-headed boy that sat at my lap and nudged him just slightly as he was a bit to distracted cuddling onto me.

"Curly, let's go now, yeah?"

He finally looks up, doe-eyed emeralds staring back at me through the ray bans.


And I whipped the door open, carefully instructing Harry to tuck in his tail through the bright yellow shorts I now noticed that he was wearing and almost groaned at the fact that he seemed to be sweating through his white v-neck tee already.

I looked to Niall and he only shrugged, mumbling something about last-minute planning. I sighed at that.

So now, I carefully unlatched myself from Harry, with the promises of my return and slammed the door shut once more, clearly trying to avoid the fearful look Harry was throwing at me.

"Louuuu!!" I can hear him shriek as Niall literally hurled to the curly haired boy.

Liam frowned, looking at me questioningly from where he sat.

"Need'a buy him some clothes." I mouthed, quite aware that he couldn't hear me that clearly.

Liam sighed, eyeing his boyfriend worrily as he looks back to me, holding a thumbs up, shooting me a warning glance to be 'fast'.

"Take Harry with you!!!!" Harry literally bellows to the window.

I give him a quick wave, strutting off to wherever.


I really had no idea what to look for, but I know that Harry needed something that will accommodate him through this little outing, without having to stop and perspire on his own clothes; Not that I had a problem with that, but well, you know what I mean?

"Need any help sir?" A voice calls out to me.

I hadn't noticed that I had came to a stop, so I blinked at the stranger to my side and scanned the inside of the store, only to raise an eyebrow to discover that I had in fact discovered a beach-wear store.

I gave the clerk a friendly smile, telling him the details about yellow-themed snapbacks and other things necessary for a day at the beach. If anyone asks, they ran out of other colours.

He gave me a curt smile, leading me through different aisles, pointing at some of the many options they had and 'finally' within ten minutes, we came to a stop in front of the many assortments of snapback and raybans section of the whole store; which was surprisingly right by each other. The clerk pretended not to notice my annoyance.

"That's it, thank you." I muttered through gritted teeth.

"I-It's no problem sir. I-If you need anything else.. J-Just ask." The clerk stutters out as he saunters off to help out another customer.

I carded my hair through my fingertips as I picked out a black-coloured snapback (because they ran out of the yellow ones--aww) and some sort of yellow-trimmed raybans with the lenses still remaining its suede, slick black colour while having two yellow horizontal stripes on the side. I smiled satisfyingly as I made the purchase.


When I found my way back, I was surprised to see Liam waiting right by the door, slightly wondering the why there was so much movement within the car.

When Liam caught site of me, he merely glared and slid the door open, revealing Niall, literally wrestling Harry right on the seat where I sat.

"Harry, he'll be back, I swear to you!" Niall speaks exasperatedly as Harry tries to wriggle out of his grip, biceps flexing every-so-often.

"Let me go. Have to see where he is." Harry practically growls right at him.

"But he--"

"Louis, do something already." Liam groans, heading towards the back of the van, already preparing to unload luggage and probably some of the snacks that he'd managed to prepare while I was unconscious. The two obviously didn't hear the acknowledgement as they kept on going, biting at each other's leg to annoy the other.

"But what am I supposed to--"

"Louis!" Harry's ears perks up from atop his head at the sound of my voice and he literally pounces on me, full weight sending both of Harry and I tumbling down the pale sand beneath us.

"Oomf!!" I groaned, rubbing the back of my head as Harry nuzzles on to my stomach, literally chanting how he'd thought I was going to leave him with Niall; which seemed to be like the worst idea he had heard of in his life from the tone he used.

Niall curses under his breath, hearing that statement and following after Liam, an annoyed expression on his face.

"S'alright Curly." I assured him. "I only went to the store to get you these."

He looked at the bag clutched onto my hand and took it effortlessly from my hand.

"W-What is this?" He questions, pulling out black snapback and the matching raybans.

"A present." I smiled shyly as I fiddled with the sand right by my fingertips.

Harry instantly smiled, throwing off his shirt within an instant and throwing Niall his sunglasses, which seemed to land right by the foot of the boy, just as he was about to take a step.

"Whoa!!" He screeches, careful not to take another step and landing on the chest of his boyfriend.

"Thank you babe." He smiles, pecking his boyfriend on the lips as he mindlessly picked up the sunglasses, blowing on the sandy areas that covered it and perched it on top of his nose proudly as he saunters off with the mini cooler held at one hand and an uncut watermelon on the other.

Liam chuckled as he continues unpacking the bags down to the sand, even whistling happily as he carried the heavier bags.

"Louis, Louis look!" Harry squeaks rather timidly as his arms snaked themselves around my wrist, helping the both of us up from the sand.

"Wow." I gasped in surprise. With his tee no longer present, I can now see the inked skin that lay on his creamy porcelain skin, the two birds that stood right by his collar bones and.. Oh.. Is that a butterfly on his stomach?

"Louis?" He calls out to snap me out of a trance I don't remember being in.

"Oh yes.." I murmured embarrassingly, blush coating my cheeks as I studied him once more, now noticing that the black snapback was worn backwards, so that the curls right by his human ears looked extra curly and the matching raybans were worn proudly, perched right on his nose, feline ears hidden within the snapback. If I wasn't aware of him being a hybrid, I'd definitely think that he was just like any other hot guy on the beach, wait, what? I definitely did NOT just say that.

"You look great Curly." I tell him with a giggle (since when the hell do I giggle?). "Too great.. Maybe I'm not the most good-looking anymore."

"You weren't one to start with." Liam retorts back with a wink as he had the bags weighing down on both his shoulders, forearms flexing as he moved.

"Besides..." He ruffled my hair as he approached. "We all know who owns that title."

"Yeah." Niall snorts as he follows after his boyfriend. "Definitely me."

Liam loses that slightly cheeky demeanor in an instant to throw his head back for a laugh, flushing as he nodded, claiming that Niall was definitely the 'best-looking guy he had ever seen' and Niall retorting something back with a vague sound like 'you know it babe' before kissing Liam's neck and catching up with us with an exaggerated huff.

"You know," he tells me, breath still ragged. "you could've atleast 'tried' to help."

I rolled my eyes at that. "Hey, I was the one who was kidnapped, I don't need to do work if I don't have to."

Harry took a cautious step back, like he could read me like an open book as the sentence I muttered seconds ago applied to my brain, the cogs and screws rattling in place. It looked like Liam and Niall recognized it also as they both stood in place, mouth agape as I clenched my fists.

"You guys... kidnapped me.." I whispered in small tone. "You kidnapped me--us against our will, just so that you two could get your super-fun-beach-date."

"But we were just trying to get Harry to--"

"Oh don't bring Harry into this." I snapped. "We both know you two are the fucking masterminds to this moronic harebrained scheme."

"But Louis--" Liam squeaked, voice cracking in terror.

"Oh don't 'But-Louis' me. We all know that's the truth, 'innit? Now how do you want this?"

"W-What?" Niall stutters out.

"I said.... How do you two want this.. You could run or.. " the two ran off in an instant with the luggage left behind, keys seemingly forgotten on the ignition.

Harry flinched as I turned back to him.

"Sorry, sorry, just pissed with them, not you." I assured him, reaching for the patio chairs that lay on the sand and perching right by the shade that surprisingly lurked beside us.

He looked reluctant, but the moment that found something on my eyes, he happily skipped towards the awaiting patio chair right by me and smiled as he leaned back with a long stretch along with his stomach gurgling hard enough for both of us to hear.

"S-Sorry." He murmurs shyly, rubbing at his tummy with a frown. "D-did not mean to be hungry."

I smiled, opening up a container of fresh brownies, opening it up to the curly haired lad to sniff at, before snatching a piece and scarfing it down his throat hungrily, crumbs right by where his dimples lay.

"More p-please?" He asks hungrily as blood coats his cheeks. I nodded with a smile, grabbing a piece, before handing the container right at him. He looked reluctantly at me, deciding whether I was joking with him or not.

I snorted, taking a sweet bite of the brownie. "No worries Curly, we have enough food to last us a couple hours, if not 3.. So I wouldn't really worry about eating too much."

"But what about Niall and L-Liam?" He asks, taking a bite of his third brownie.

"I wouldn't worry about them." I assured him with a contented sigh as I leaned back, both my hands on the back of my head. "For all I know, they're still running right at this second."

And half an hour later, they still hadn't come back. Harry was urging me to play the beach volley ball some adults were playing (don't exactly know why he seemed serene with strangers, but they seemed friendly enough, so I let them be), but I straight out refused, claiming that I'd rather watch him play, simply because I'm rubbish at the game. Harry of course pouted, but agreed with the promise of returning back to me, roughly half an hour after.

I didn't have the heart to say no, so I let him, anxiety finally setting on my whole body as I sat back, seeing both Liam and Niall retreat back with both lips swollen as they approached.

"Where's Harry?" Niall chirps, snatching the bag of crisps that lay on my lap.

I pointed to where Harry was diving down for the ball, watching him flail to the sand and giggling in response.

"Louis!" He waves frantically to get my attention. "Come play!"

Liam nudges me from the shoulder where his hand lay.

I glare pointedly at him. "Li, I'm shit at volleyball."



"Louuuis... He's calling for you, just play you you ninny!"

"But I'll make a fool of myself Lee-yum!!"

Niall groans, a mouthful of Vienna sausages hanging from his mouth. "So is he, you moron, now play!"

I gave myself some mental pep-talk before stretching and doing some excess excercises before Liam and Niall literally pushed me forward, definitely catching Harry's expression brighten as I approached.

"Tom, c-can Louis play?" He asks, not taking his eyes off of me.

"Sure!" Tom laughs. "Hopefully he's not as horrid as your gangly limbs."

Harry flushes, looking hopefully at me.

I snorted, rubbing the side of my index finger under my nose, giving Harry an apologetic look.

"Never played a game." I confessed as he pouts just slightly, eyes already reflecting defeat.

I frowned, wrapping an arm around his shoulder as I turned both our bodies to face the net.

"Game On." I tell him.

What have I gotten myself into?

Now or Never {Larry Hybrid!AU}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt