Chapter 2

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I hear a car pull up outside the house, I quickly jump into bed and pretend to be asleep. I hear the front door slam open and I hear 2 people staggering up the stairs to my room. The door swings open and in walks a drunken Ashton and one of his mates Jordan. Jordan rips the duvet off of me and Ashton grabbed my two ankles, his freezing cold hand touch my bare ankles and sends a shiver up my spine.

'ASHTON' I scream as he pulls me off the bed by my ankles and slamming me off of the hard wooden floor. He doesn't say anything back to me. I could hear Jordan sniggering. Ashton pulled me out onto the landing and that's when we held into my ankles tight and ran down the stairs. My head beating each step I could feel my back, shoulders and head bleeding. I began trembling and whimpering with the pain. I could breathing properly I was crying so hard.


'DID YOU ENJOY THAT?' Jordan shouted and laughing I assumed he was talking about ashton dragging me down the stairs. I could smell the alcohol off of both of them.

Ashton picked me up and threw me over his shoulder (like a sack of potatoes). I looked up at the wooden stairs and saw the trail of blood running down the steps. I felt my head and it wasn't really cut. Only my shoulders and back. Ashton walked outside me on his shoulder and he threw me into the back of his car. Him and Jordan hopped in the front. The car was completely silent except for my whimpers of pain. Ashton breaked all of a sudden and I fell forward a little. The boys got out of the 4x4 and Jordan open the back door and pulled me out. There was one dim flickering street lamp so I could barely see a few apartments around. The area looked very isolated. Ashton and Jordan lay me on the pavement and began kicking and beating me. I lay there in tears I was screaming and crying.

'Ash!!' Jordan said to Ashton

'What?' He snapped back

'Theres a person coming!' Jordan said. I looked up and saw a tall figure walking towards us in the distance. Jordan and Ashton jumped into the car and drove off. Leaving me there crying laying in a pool of my own blood. I turned my head and saw the tall figure running towards me. I didn't have the energy to move.

'Are you okay?' The figure shouted from about 100yards away. A the person came closer I saw it was a boy with dark hair, a flawless completion and glistening brown eyes. He ran to me and knelt down.

'Are you okay?' He said raising his eyebrows. I shook my head. I'm going to take you home okay? You need help! I nodded my head. I knew going home with a stranger isn't a good idea but I didn't have a choice.


I was taking a midnight walk since I couldn't sleep and I could do anymore editing for the night, when I came across a girl laying on the footpath in a pool of her own blood. I ran up to her and knelt over her. She was absolutely stunning. Long dark wavy hair, blue eyes and an extremely pale completion. She was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my entire life! I looked at this girl, her back, shoulders and head were majorly bleeding and she had bruises all over her bare arms and legs. It looked like she was wearing her pyjamas. I thought to take her back to my mum and dads place since dad was a doctor he'd know what to do, and it's only a short walk. I picked her up with my left arm under her legs and my right arm under her back. I felt the blood seeping though her top and onto my bare arm.

'Whats your name love?' I asked her

'Lucy' she replied

'Thats a really pretty name, I'm Alfie' I said to her. I walked in the open gate and knocked on the door of my Mum and Dads house.

'Alfie where are we?' She asked softly

'At my parents house, my dads a doctor, he can help you' I explained to her

'Hi Alfie' my dad said as the door opened

'Hey Dad, sorry but I need your help! Will you please bandage Lucy up? I will tell you the story later' I said

'Yes! Quick bring her in' my dad said.


So I was at Alfie's parents house. I have no idea who this boy is, but he is adorable. He quickly carried me into the kitchen and sat me into the island.

'Lucy this is my dad Richard' Alfie said to me whilst sitting into the kitchen counter beside me.

Richard walks in with bandages. He didn't say anything I'm not surprised really. Richard bandages up all my cuts.

'Okay, I think you should be okay now Lucy' he says to me

'Thank you' me and Alfie reply at the same time.

'I must be getting home' Alfie says

'Alright Alf, see ya soon! Bye Lucy' Richard says while Alfie helps me off the island and Richard escorts us to the door.

'Bye thanks' I say as we leave.

We started walking Back. 'Alfie will you walk me home please?' I quietly ask him.

'Not tell you tell me whats happened' he said turning around to face me. I've never told anyone my secret well I've never had anyone to tell. So I sat down on a bench and Alfie sat next to me. I told Alfie what happened tonight and nothing else.

'No way are you going back there!' Alfie retorts while quickly standing up and facing me.

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