Chapter 4

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*bleep..bleep* I turned over and saw a Alfie laying next to me fast asleep. His phone got a message that was sitting on his bed side table. *ding dong* went the door bell that's when all the memories came rushing back from last night. *bleep..bleep* went Alfie's phone again. *ding dong* the bell went again.

'Alfie' I whispered and shook him a little. His eyes opened and he yawned, 'someone's at the door and you got two text messages' I said with snuggling down into the covers more. 'Thanks Hun' he whispered and reached over and took an iPhone5 from the bed side table. 'Um.. My friend Marcus is outside, sorry I forgot he was coming over sorry' Alfie said looking into his phone. 'Well go let him in!' I said smiling. He got out of bed and pulled a pair of tracksuit bottoms on and a red and green washed out aztec T-shirt. He put the phone down on the bed with the lock screen lit up the time was 13.46.

'Heellooooooooo hahaa' I heard someone say at the door, I assumed it was Marcus.

'Hey, sorry we were sleeping' Alfie said.

'Oh we have a we do we now?!' I heard Marcus laugh

'Yeah well I met this girl Lucy and you know what, I think I like her' I heard Alfie say to Marcus. I'm guessing he didn't know I could hear him.

'Where did ya meet her?' Marcus asked

'It's a long story, I'll tell you some other time' Alfie said

'Oh okay then' he replied

'Um help your self to food I'm going to go and get ready' I heard Alfie say as his voice got louder.

'You alright?' Alfie asked and walked in

'Yeah' I replied.

'There's a shower in the bathroom in your room and we'll be in the kitchen okay' Alfie said while picking up clothes off of the floor.

'Kay thanks' I got up and went into the room I originally went to sleep in. I went into the bathroom and took off Alfie's blue T-shirt revealing my ribs sticking through my skin and my boney collarbones. I took off my bra and pulled, down Alfie's grey NIKE tracksuit bottoms showing my hipbones. Ashton only ever gave me one piece of bread a day which lead me to being very thin. I was about 5'7 and I only weighed 3.5 stone. I was basically skin and bones. I went into the shower and turned the shower on and warm water poured out of the nozzle. I put shampoo in my long brown hair. I washed it out and turned off the shower. I got out and took the crisp white towel and wrapped it around my body. I dried myself and put on Alfie's tracksuit bottom and his top and went out into the bedroom. I opened the door of the bedroom and walked out into the hallway and into the kitchen/living room (open plan) and saw Marcus and Alfie sitting on the couch chatting and laughing. I guessed that they were close friends.

'Hey' Alfie shouted from across the room.

'Oh get in!.. Gimme some' Marcus said to Alfie and done a hand gesture, I assumed that was a handshake of some sort.

'Hi, I'm Lucy' I introduced

'Im Marcus' he replied

'Do you want any food?' Alfie asked me

'No thanks' I replied shyly

'But you haven't eaten' he said confused

'Im okay' I said

'Alright' Alfie said


Lucy is an absolutely stunning girl! But she's worryingly thin, it's not like Alfie to go for a girl that doesn't eat and is thin.

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