Chapter 38

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6 days until the wedding

May I say, everything was going anything but smoothly. Someone was always running around yelling something or getting drunk (uncles mostly) or the little kids running around making a mess.

I walked out of the house and grabbed my dads car keys. As I walked towards the car, my mom halted me in my tracks.

"Naina! Where are you going?" She asked sternly.

"Your wedding is in 6 days! You can't go anywhere!" She said huffing. Devin, my aunts toddler, came running out and hopped onto my mom.All the little kids loved my mom.

"Maaaaaaaaa" I dragged out whining.

"I let all the kids watch tv in my room.... I wanna go out before my wedding..!" I pleaded. She stared at me for a second with the toddler on her hip.

  She sighed and finally said "fine, but take Devin with you, I have a lot of stuff to do and I can't take care of him." She said placing him on the floor. He ran over to me and hopped into my arms.

"Fine." I grunted. At least she was letting me leave. I opened the back seat of the car and placed Devin in the child car seat. After strapping him in and handing him a toy airplane I closed the door and hopped into the drivers seat.

I pulled out of the driveway and started down the road. I put on some music and laughed as 'Uptown Funk' by Bruno Mars came on. I looked at Devin through the rear view mirror and smiled, knowing he loved this song.

"Remember our little party we had yesterday" I laughed. He nodded his head and wiggled in his seat, indicating that he was dancing. I laughed again and started dancing in my seat as well as singing along.

   Yesterday, we didn't really have anything to do and no one wanted to take care of the kids so I let them in my room and we had a mini little dance party. Even Akash was there! We all danced around and it was so much fun! Who knew having a party with a bunch of toddlers was so fun.

   I entered the hotel apartment parking lot and got out of the car. Unstrapping Devin from his seat, I placed him on my hip and carried him inside while he still played with the airplane in his hand.

     I walked up to Niall's room door and knocked on it. After a few seconds, a shirtless Niall opened the door. I stood there a little shocked and noticed he was only wearing a towel.

  I covered my eyes walking in. " I had to come at the wrong time" I scolded myself. Niall laughed and so did the boys. It was then I noticed everyone was here.

"I know you like what you see Naina, No one can resist this" he said pointing to himself. I rolled my eyes and sat down at the corner of the bed, placing Devin beside me.

   "Guys this is Devin, and Devin these are my friends." I said introducing them. They boys immediately started to play with Devin and ask him questions.

"He can't speak" I quickly told them. "He's mute"

   The color from the boys face drained. Suddenly Louis pulled him into a big hug. "I love you little man." He said wiping a small tear from the corner of his eye.

"Let's go play outside!" Zayn shouted excitedly. I laughed and all the boys ran out the hotel room with Devin. Niall stayed behind, as he put on his clothes because he had just finished taking a shower.

"You gonna wait for me babe" he smirked.

"I guess" I giggled.

He turned around and rummaged through his suitcase. Pulling out some clothes he walked to the side of the room and started putting on his jeans. Turning away, I saw his laptop on the desk.

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