Chapter 43

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The wedding |Part 2|

    There was a loud roar of clapping and I laughed, happy to see everyone enjoyed the performance.

   I had made a mashup of Gallan Goodiyan, bet you can't do it like me, ambersariya and a couple of other songs. I had mashed up a variety of songs, from Hindi to English some were for the teenagers like the whip and some was for the elders like the somewhat classical Indian dance.

In the end, I had so much fun dancing and I was glad everyone enjoyed it as much as I did. Everyone took the dance floor and started dancing again. I started making my way back to Karan, but I stopped to greet the boys before I got there.

"Not bad my little leprechaun." I teased Niall. He smiled as a subtle blush crept onto his cheeks. Awwwwhh so cute!

I told the boys they were great as well and they thanked me.

"We learned from the best.." Liam said smiling. I giggled.

"I know!" I said pretending to flip my hair off my shoulder dramatically.

"I like the look too" I complemented their sherwani's. They smiled and looked down at their clothes.

"Akash helped us shop a few days ago." Zayn said smiling. The boys looked so great in sherwani's. Especially Niall,If you know what I mean. Stop you damn dirty thoughts! This is not the time! My brain yelled.

"Well, I better get back to Karan, people are starting to stare at us." I said waving goodbye and walking back to Karan. I sat in the chair beside him and continued just looking onto the party. Occasionally some one came to take a picture with us.

"Naina. We really need to talk." Karan said turning to me.

"Then speak." I said blankly.

"Not in front of everyone... Someone might hear.." Karan said. Worry covered his face again. What is up with him?

"Karan! What do you suppose we do?! We can't just get up and leave at our own wedding!" I said throwing my hands up in the air. Some people have us a weird look, but continued getting wasted and partying.

"Right....." Karan said trailing off. For an evil genius, that was pretty low of him to not know that.

"Naina! Karan! The photographers are here! Come!" My mom said calling to us. We walked off the small stage type thingie and Karan helped me down the steps.

"Don't touch me.." I said angrily through clenched teeth as I pretended to smile at everyone who was looking. Karan rolled his eyes, but didn't let go of my hand until we were outside and in the other building where a photoshoot like room was set up.

There were huge lights and a camera in the middle. There also was a green screen and we were instructed to stand in front of it.

The photographer came into the room and smiled at us.

"Ahhhh. Another happy couple. I just love my job!" The bubbly woman said smiling and walking towards us. Yea. Totally a happy couple.

"Okay so, you.... Um, what's your name?" She asked Karan.


"Yea, Karan. Can you stand right here behind Naina." She stepped back and looked through squinted eyes.

"I little to the left......that's too much, come a little to the right...... Stop! Perfect!" She said clapping her hands.

"And now you. You name?" She asked.

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