Chapter 28: Family PhotoShoot

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Next Day : 9:23am

I woke up with Chres and Kai by my side. Kai still had baby stuff in his room, including a baby bed, he couldn't really fit, so Chres told him to sleep with us.

I got up did my morning routine and went to cook breakfast. I made bacon, Eggs, Grits, Pancakes, and Biscuits. I made all of our plates and sat and thunk (I dont even know if thats a word.) For a second. About how Kai is back home. I thanked God so many times for this.

I heard footsteps coming downstairs and I Saw Kai, with wild, long curly hair, and Chres lol.

"Oooo Breakfast!" They both said in a Unison then started Laughing

"Just for yall." I said before I drunk my Orange Juice

"Thanks Mom." Kai said

"Thanks Ma." Chres said Squeezing my butt.

"Yall Welcome." I followed them to the living room with my plate also and watched Spongebob with my boys.

Photoshoot ; 2:34pm

"Aw, is this the son?" Morgan said, My Photographer, she's about fourty-two but looks thirty-two.

"Yes this is.." I smiled

"Aw you cant say Hi to me?" Chres said

"Hello Chres." Morgan said

"Sup." He said

Morgan laughed and Shook her head, "What's your name handsome?"

"Malachai, but everyone calls me Kai." He said

"Aww, how old are you?"

"Im eight."

"Well since this is your first photoshoot, you can pick today's theme for yall shoot, how does that sound?" Morgan said

"Awsome as Heck!" Kai said "How about football! Mommy? Daddy?"

"Im down." Chres said Giving Kai a Handshake

"Im down too." I giggled

"Lets go." Morgan smiled

15 mins later

"Kai I want you to Get on your dad's back and reach for the football in your mommy's hand. And Ania stand on Chres' left and hold the football in your right hand, while sitting on your hip."

We all followed the directions Morgan gave us as she tilted the camera to her left. We all looked good, Chres had on a full football outfit, Kai had on the sane thing, but with black paint lines going horizontal on his face, and me? I had pink horizontal lines in my face, with a pink football outfit. We was bomb, when this one comes out, Ima' hang it up.

30 mins later

We finished the shoot and got our pictures, they came out so bomb. We was slaying in every single picture we took.

We headed to my Aunt Therissa house, she still dosent know about Kai being back with me, and I personally cant wait to suprise her. We pulled up in the driveway and I knew she was here because the grey Mercedes I gave her was parked. We got out and Knocked on the door, and The smell of vanilla coffée and brownies filled the air outside.

"Hey Mamas, Hey Chresanto." She smiled, "why don't you guys come in?"

We moved to the side and Kai stood there.

"My God..." she said, "Kai, is that you? Is this him?"

"Yes Auntie." He smiled

"Sheesh, I've Missed you so much! O' how much you've grown!" She laughed

"I missed you too Auntie therissa." He laughed

"Come In...I have brownies for everyone."

25 minutes later

Kai and Chres was outside in the back playing basketball on that tiny little basketball court. I was in the living room with my auntie telling her the story of how we got full custody of Kai.

"And she just gave him up?" She asked

"Yeah it was Crazy." I bit into my brownie, "Im Super grateful to have him back in my arms. It feels so good."

"Im happy you got him back..That's God right there." She said laughing

"Amen!" We laughed

"Thank you for everything Auntie, but its going on 7:00, and Its Sunday. Kai has school in the Morning. I have to check him into the school down the street from our place."

"Oh're right. I done lost track of time. Anyway have a nice night mamas, and You guys too." She said to Chres and Kai as they began walking into the Room.

"Thanks for the brownies Auntie." Chres said kissing her cheek

"No Problem." She smiled "See you later Big guy." She said hugging Kai

"You too Auntie, Love you." Kai said

"Love you too! Drive safe Ania."
She said

"I Will." I said



Sorry its so short. But hoped you guys liked it. Leave feedback & votes

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