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Okay, this is a playful piece, just seeing what you guys would like me to write about next?

How about how to describe food in writing?

I used to find this particularly difficult, as I had grown up on a very small variation of meals, all of which were almost exactly the same because we couldn't cook! Yet I challenged myself to write about food an old draft called The Dark Ones' Halo Gate.

In one of the chapters, the main character, Marie, goes on to threaten William with a food utensil, and then she smothers the pie he almost reached for, spits in it because she is so angry at him for betraying her, and then hands it to him. Yum.  Nice friendship, right?

All the food I described in this scene made me so hungry every time I read over it afterward.

I could also write about a separate topic you deem more important. Your choice! Just tell me in a comment!

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