2: Goodbye Hogwarts

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Melody knelt on the floor of her dormitory, tears streaming down her pale face as she threw her belongings higgeldy-piggeldy into her trunk.

Some clothes, her spell-books, her potions kit. That was about all she had. Melody picked up her trunk and with difficulty, managed to drag it across the floor and out of her dormitory and common room.

Melody ticked the pear in the fruit bowl painting and took her trunk into the kitchens.

The elves were concerned as to why she was crying so she told them it was because she was very hungry. The elves, desperate to help, gave her food to fill her trunk and more.

She quickly ate the food that wouldn't fit, thanked the elves and left the kitchens. Now to nick a broom.

Melody dragged her trunk down the corridors and stairs. She went faster now, the bell would be ringing any minute and she'd be asked questions.

Making it to the grounds just as the bell began ringing, Melody panicked and bolted down the lawn with her trunk towards the broom shed.

She used her wand to force the door open and grabbed the broomstick closest to her. She didn't know the model, but it was worn and battered looking.

Melody conjured ropes and roughly tied her trunk around the bottom of the broom, then swung herself on and kicked off.

She swayed dangerously as she rose into the air, she has never been very skilled at flying.

When she had gotten quite high she peered behind her at the castle which was getting smaller and smaller. There were shapes of people on the grounds running and there were quite a few teachers that seemed to be shouting.

Melody turned back to face where she was flying. She didn't know where she was going. A single tear slid down her cheek. "Goodbye Hogwarts", she whispered.

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