11: The Owl from Tiana

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"What?", Narcissa spluttered, stepping back from her husband.

"This child will kill Potter!", Lucius said gleefully, "then all shall be forgotten! We shall be able to focus on saving the pure race instead of hunting a little boy!".

"But Father", Draco said, speaking for the first time, "the Dark Lord wants to kill Potter himself, doesn't he?".

"Quite right", agreed Narcissa, nodding with her nose turned upwards.

"What he doesn't know won't hurt him", Lucius growled, "we can all perform Occlumency! Why should the Dark Lord suspect us? He'll just think the girl's done her job too well".

"If", said Narcissa slowly, "the girl does kill the boy, the Dark Lord will surely kill her in anger!".

"So!", Lucius shouted, his voice very high-pitched, "so what! Who cares?".

Narcissa, shaking her head, stepped backwards and collapsed in a regal armchair.

"It's settled then!", Lucius said gleefully then drew his wand out, held it to his lips and began whispering to it.

"When you go back to Hogwarts you will continue being friends with Harry Potter. When you have a chance you must kill him. Do it in a way that will seem like an accident and not make you look guilty. Do whatever you can to make sure he trusts you and focus on no one but him. Understand?".

Melody nodded.

"Okay", Lucius said, addressing his family, "right, now. The Dark Lord shall be here any minute. You must block your mind to him the ENTIRE TIME! Do not let your guard down for a second or all could be lost! You understand?!".

Narcissa and Draco nodded, looking frightened. Lucius' tone had been quite aggressive.

"But Lucius, dear", said Narcissa tentatively, "the Dark Lord is going to be planting that false image of the traitor Black in the boy, remember? We need Potter to get the prophecy".

"To hell with the prophecy", hissed Lucius, "the Dark Lord can retrieve it easily once we have overthrown the Ministry, which is bound to happen soon. Melody, make sure you kill Potter before he gets the image of Black".

Narcissa kept quiet, apparently having been outsmarted.

Lucius turned to Zeveil's limp form on the cold floor and grimaced. "Shame", he muttered then pointed his wand at his old friend, "obliviate".

Zeveil's eyes went out of focus but he didn't move. "Enervate", Lucius said.

Zeveil stirred then sat up quickly, looking alarmed and confused.

Lucius reached out a helping hand to Zeveil and said, "my dear friend, you passed out for a few seconds I'm afraid. They're overworking you again, I assume?".

Zeveil took Lucius' hand and allowed him to hoist him to his feet. "Yeah", Zeveil muttered, brushing off his robes, "from mornin' 'til night, them bloody bastards".

Lucius nodded solemnly. Zeveil looked over at Narcissa and Draco, who were gawking at Lucius. 

"What's wrong with you lot?", Zeveil asked curiously.

"Don't talk to my family like that", Lucius snapped.

"Oh", Zeveil muttered, looking frightened, "m'sorry, mate. Don't mean 'ter offend".

Lucius nodded and Zeveil sighed, visibly relieved.

Suddenly there was a great smacking noise on the window and the screech of an owl in pain.

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