9: The DA

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No one could hear themselves think over the noise of loud talking and laughing. Hufflepuff boys and girls sat around the common room on plush chairs and sofas, some doing homework or reading books but most were chatting excitedly to friends about the Christmas Holidays which began the next day.

In a small corner there was a cushy yellow armchair and on that armchair a girl with bright purple hair sat. Melody had put on some makeup for the upcoming DA meeting. Some foundation, a bit of blush, some mascara and sparkly pink lipgloss. She was still wearing her school robes.

Melody's fingers were turning white as she clutched tightly onto the galleon in her hands. She looked down at it and saw that the numbers around the edge of it had today's date on it. Every few seconds she glanced up at the clock on the wall, waiting for 7:55 pm when she would leave for the DA meeting that would start at 8.

The round tunnel-like door opened and Tiana Jones crawled through and into the common room. She had a troubled expression on her face. When she stood up she immediately saw Melody, jumped as though the sight had frightened her and hurried away upstairs to the dormitories.

7:53.... 7:54.... 7:55. Melody stood up as soon as the seconds hand struck twelve. She pulled her robes tightly around her to keep warm, tucked her galleon into her pocket and felt her other pocket, confirming that her wand was there.

Melody left the common quietly without looking at anyone. Hannah Abbott called out something to her but Melody didn't catch it as she was already in the tunnel.

Once outside she walked swiftly through the castle, past the few stragglers going to and from the library or the Great Hall, where there was a couple of jugs of milk and plates of biscuits on the house tables.

Melody went up many staircases until she found the place Harry had shown her earlier in the day.

Without hesitation she walked backwards and forwards twice in front of the wall, concentrating hard on the words Harry had told her to focus on.

When Melody opened her eyes a big, wooden door had appeared. She pulled it open and stepped through.

"Hey Melody", Harry's voice greeted her before she took anything in. Looking around she saw that she was in a very large room, with dummies on one side, hundreds of shelves of books, various magical objects on one side and cushions scattered on the floor.

Harry was standing a few metres away from the door. In his hands was a book of some kind. He shut it and walked to the bookshelf, sliding it easily back in.

Ron and Hermione were on the other side of the room. They had their wands out but had stopped whatever they were doing and were eyeing Melody with apparent annoyance.

There were a few other people in the room Melody did not know. One tall boy with flaming red hair had stopped practicing and was staring at Melody. The boy next to him, who was identical to the other, elbowed him in the ribs and said something. They both laughed and the first boy tore his eyes away from Melody.

Harry pointed at the twins. "That's Fred and George, Ron's older brothers", Harry said. The Weasley twins gave exaggerated bows but smiled warmly.

"That's Ginny", Harry continued, gesturing to a girl with flaming red hair, "Ron's younger sister".

Harry gestured to each person in turn, introducing them to Melody, "this is Luna, Neville, Cho, and Marrietta". Melody nodded at each of them.

"This is Melody", Harry said, "i've invited her to join the DA".

"Welcome", said Luna. She had a vague, dream-like voice. "Thanks Luna", Melody replied and smiled.

"Okay", said Harry, "first half of the lesson we'll be practicing stunning again, you all might as well start now, everyone will turn up soon".

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