7: Detention with Harry Potter

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Melody followed McGonagall and Harry back out into the Great Hall and up the staircases.

On the second staircase Harry, who's facial expression had been growing angrier and angrier, finally burst out, "Professor! I-" McGonagall gave Harry a sharp look and he immediately fell silent.

Melody silently followed McGonagall and Harry into McGonagall's office. The room was silent and although it had a warm vibe, it also had an air of strictness.

McGonagall sat down at her desk chair with a sigh. Wearily, she waved her wand and two hard, straight-backed wooden chairs appeared opposite her desk. Melody and Harry sat down.

"So", said McGonagall in a voice that sounded tired but had a hint of anger.

"Professor", said Harry, annoyed, "I don't understand why I'm here, I need to be at Quidditch practice soon-".

"I know very well about Quidditch practice Potter, this is a far more pressing matter and anyhow, you will not be attending Quidditch practice as you have detention with Professor Umbridge this evening, or has that slipped your mind?", McGonagall interrupted impatiently.

"Professor I already told you, I have no idea what-", Harry replied but was again interrupted by McGonagall, "Adams, it seems you have something to tell me about Harry Potter here?".

Melody gulped.

"Say you don't know what she's talking about"

"I don't know what you're talking about", Melody replied abruptly.

Professor McGonagall raised her eyebrows suspiciously. "A few minutes ago I was summoned by the headmaster and was told that you have accused Potter of - well - bullying you?".

Harry's mouth fell open and he stared at McGonagall, in a complete state of shock.

"Has Potter been or not been bullying you, Adams?", McGonagall asked briskly, keeping her eyes upon Melody.

"No Professor", Melody replied, "I don't know what Professor Dumbledore told you, but it isn't true".

Harry was now looking even more confused.

McGonagall looked highly suspicious and her mouth was pressed in a very tight line.

"Melody is it?", Harry said unexpectedly, "Melody Adams? Well, i've never even talked to you before, so how could I have been bullying you? I don't understand-".

"Me neither, Harry", replied Melody, "i've got no idea what's happening".

"Enough of this", McGonagall interjected angrily, "I don't have time for this and I will be keeping an eye on you both. Now out!".

Harry looked frustrated and quickly stood up and left the office, his robes swooshing behind him. Melody simply sat there.

"Adams?", McGonagall asked, exasperated, "what is it?".

"Say goodbye and leave the room"

"Goodbye Professor McGonagall", Melody said, then left the office, completely ignoring the look of indignation on McGonagall's face.


The corridor was empty when Melody left McGonagall's office at ten past three. In a sort of daze Melody escaped to her dormitory quickly knowing that in five minutes there would be students rushing everywhere because of the end of the day's classes.

Melody was lying, blank faced on her bed until about four-thirty when she looked up because of the sound of nasty laughter. It was Tiana, she was with a Japanese girl whom Melody did not know. They stopped giggling abruptly when they saw Melody.

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