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So, just to let you all know, when words are like this it means they are speaking elvish. I know it fluently, but it is a hard and complicated language, so I'll just put it like that. :)

"There is word that there is a great power rising in Gundabad, we must go and vanquish it," the great elvenking of Greenwood the Great said.
          "I am coming," said Ellerian.
"No, you must stay and care for Legolas and Lawia," Ellerian started getting her bow and daggers readied. Thranduil grabbed her arm. "Ellerian, I can not lose you," he said in almost a whisper.
"You won't, I promise that," Thranduil let go of her arm bowed his head, and prepared his immense army. He rode on his elk, leaving the palace.

         The battle was the most unevenly matched fight they had ever battled in. The Orc reinforcements were coming from everywhere, luckily the Elves were prepared. Squadron after squadron they defeated, but then all of that changed. Ellerian was fighting alongside Thranduil. Another Orc squadron was coming from the south. Still occupied by the last one, they couldn't deal with it at that moment. They kept going at the squadron, then a very large, pale Orc (who was currently the 'prince' of the orcs) took on Ellerian. She used her daggers with an incredible swiftness, but the opponent was quick. Ellerian tripped, and in that one second the Orc slashed at her waist. She fell over, gasping for breath. The Orc retreated (for the battle was being won). Thranduil fell to the ground, horrified. He put his hands around her delicate face, as she drifted off into a forever-sleep.
"Give my love to Legolas and Lawia. I love you..." She exhaled once, then her eyes lost their twinkle.
"Noooooooooooooo!!" Thranduil shouted in misery. He sat on the ground, looking at Ellerian's blank face. A silvery tear ran down his face, then with a new strength, he stood up and killed the majority of the Orc squadron, muttering, "Never again, never again," while he protected Ellerian's limp body.
They fought and fought, till the orcs were outnumbered and fled, but there was no celebration. Thranduil led his soldiers back to his realm, with a sad, angry fire burning within him.

So, just to make sure everybody says all the characters name right, I have made a pronunciation guide!
Lawia (lay-way-a)
We all know how to say Legolas lol
Thranduil (Thrand-wheel)
Ellerian (ell-ear-een)

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