Chapter One

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"Fanuilos heryn aglar, rîn athar annún-aearath, calad ammen i reniar, mi'aladhrem min ennorath. A Elbereth Gilthoniel, i chin athûl lin míriel, fanuilos le linathon, nendor haer thar i aearon,"
"You have a beautiful voice," Ellerian jumped.
"Thank you. You have a good voice too, you just don't use it," she smiled. Ellerian picked up baby Lewia, and cradled the child in her arms. She started singing again, but this time Thranduil joined her.
"A elin na gaim eglerib, ned în ben anor trerennin, si silivrin ne pherth 'waewib, cenim lyth thiln thuiennin. A Elbereth Gilthoniel, men echenim si derthiel, ma chaered hen, nu'aladhath, ngilith or annún-aearath," by the end of the song, Lewia was fast asleep, and Ellerian laid her in her cradle.
"Ada, can we go shooting today?" Legolas said.
"Yes Legolas, I'll go get my bow,"
"Yay!" He ran down the hall, happy as a clam. Thranduil walked after him, making sure he didn't get onto trouble. Ellerian kissed Lewia on the forehead, and cleaned the room up a bit, humming to herself.

100 years later...
"I bet I can shoot straighter!" Legolas taunted me. I grabbed my daggers from my back and attacked him, he was ready though. Ada and Nana were watching us play. Personally, I think I'm better with a sword than my brother is, but he is very skilled with all the elven weapons, especially a bow. For his 110th birthday, he got his own, he even got to name it. I was still using extra-weapons from the armoury, but Ada had been teaching me how to use a sword, and I was getting good at it. Legolas had been teaching me how to use the daggers, I made up a few moves as I went along, he couldn't know everything I was going to do. Suddenly there was a crunch in the bushes. We immediately stopped.
         "Ada?" he was already up and walking towards us, his swords drawn. Nana pulled us back, but making sure Ada was still in sight. A gigantic spider crawled from the bushes, blinded by the light of the sun. It quickly saw the opponent and started attacking Ada. But he was more than ready, he killed the beast in one swift movement. He turned back to us.
          "I need to speak to the guards, bring them inside," Nana brought us back to her room. I looked over at my brother. He looked slightly scared, I was too. Then Ada walked in.
          "I've sent troops to scare them off, they probably won't come back very soon,"
          "Go to your rooms, they can't penetrate the walls, don't worry," Nana smiled at us. I walked into my chambers, still thinking about the huge spider. I could still here Nana and Ada talking.
         "I've never seen them this close to the palace before."
        "That one was probably lost, it was only one."
        "Maybe, we will see when Lithwian reports back," I looked out the window in my bedroom, it was getting dark outside, so dinner should be soon.
I was correct. After a half an hour, Nana came to get us. We always had to come early, it was disrespectful for The Lord or Lady to not be there when the guests or higher-ranking elves arrived. We waited as the meals were placed on the mahogany table. Then there was a knock on the huge door. It was Lithwain.
          "My Lord Thranduil, my Lady Ellerian, I bring you news of the spiders," Ada nodded. "There were a few more, no more than six. They were not as close as the first, but they may get bolder. We will have to send raids into the forest every once and a while to make sure they do not come too near," Ada nodded once again, but this time to dismiss him.

We had a quiet dinner, only a few elves joined us. We rarely have guests, because of our remote location, no one wants to go through Mirkwood unless they need to. Occasionally we would get Lakemen trading fish and tapestries for wine. When we did get the odd visitor, it was a very big celebration. We sang, and sometimes stayed up through the whole night. I of course wasn't allowed up that long, but I could still hear it, and sometimes I even sang along to myself. For dinner we had roast boar. It is my favourite, especially when they soak for days it in a really sweet water-type-thing. This time it was an odd, yet delicious flavour. We retired to our rooms with full bellies. Before we go to bed, we always sing a song. Ada starts us off, then we join in.
        "A bereth thar ennui aeair! Calad ammen i reniar, mi'aladrhemmin ennorath, a Elbereth Gilthoniel, i chîn athûl lin míriel. A bereth thar ennui aeair! Calad ammen i reniar, mi'aladrhemmin ennorath, a Elbereth Gilthoniel, i chîn athûl lin míriel."

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