Chapter Three

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When we walked inside, Elves were eveywhere. They all had weapons. Legolas knew what was happening, I had an idea. We walked to Ada's throne room, he was getting his own weapons ready with Nana.
            "Ada, where are you going?" Legolas asked.
            "I'm going far, far, away to a battle. I will return in four days, Maybe more."
  "Is Nana going too?" I asked. He nodded.
            "Aunt Ellangra will take care of you," said Nana. I hugged her. "I love you both," with that they both left. I was terribly scared. I knew both Ada and Nana had fought even more powerful enemies than this (the dragons), but in my lifetime they had never gone off to battle. Ada had solved some political stuff before, but not as extreme as this. Legolas and I left back to our rooms. I sat on my bed, horrible scenarios clouding my mind. I shook my head, trying to forget them all, but it didn't work. To forget my plights, I went over to my window. The snow was still coming in little flakes, but I watched them like a race, like little chariots bumping into each other, maybe even little animals. Then I thought of the gigantic spiders, then Ada, and I became depressed again.
         "Legolas?" I knocked on his door. I heard a grumble of 'come in', so I entered. He was sitting on his bed reading. "What are you reading now?"
          "I'm learning the basic words in the Men's tongue, want to try?" I climbed on his bed, and peered at the book.
          "That's weird."
           "A little bit, but it's quite simple. See, Nana in English is mother," I nodded, but still thought it was odd.
          "Why do they write so sloppy?"
"I'm not sure, but some letters are quite similar to our own writing. It's also quite basic, we have so many little things to add to our writings, but they have nothing," for a while my brother taught me English, which happened to be very easy. We practiced and practiced, till Aunt Ellengra came to take us for dinner. Tonight it was just us, because all of the elves that could go to the battle, went.
         "We must sing a song before bed, you start, then we catch on," said Legolas once we got back from dinner.
"Hmm, what song shall I choose?" She thought for a while, then started to sing in her delicate voice. "A Elbereth Gilthoniel, silivrin pen na míriel, o menal aglar elenath, na chaered palan diriel. O galdremmin ennorath, nef aear, si aearon, fanuilos le linnathon, ne haer, si aearon!" It was a very happy song, one of my favourites in fact. We left to our rooms, I was feeling tired already. I laid down on my bed, thinking I would drift off to sleep immediately, but the moment my head touched the pillow, the scenarios of my parents came back. I closed my eyes and clenched my pillow, hoping the thoughts would leave me. I stayed awake for what seemed like hours. Finally, I cried myself to sleep.

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