Chapter Six

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          500 years later...

        At the age of 693, I was, I guess, a young teen. I had completed my training in all of the weapons, and exceeded in all of them. Legolas was almost 1000, which meant he was a fully-fledged Elf. It was a great and mighty celebration. Anyhow, back to me. Ada was very proud of my skills, but also very protective. He loved my Nana very, very much, and I reminded him of her. In other words, he wanted to to what he couldn't for her. We rarely talked about her anymore. Her death past into, well, the past. We really had forgotten it, and when it was brought up, Ada's face went all hard like stone. He was like that for a while after.
          We had locked up our gates, and had kept it like that for 500 years. Ada let no one in, just the very scarce traders sometimes. The spiders where coming, what seemed, in the hundreds. We went out daily to keep them away. Some Elves believed it was the work of a great evil, and I think Ada believed it too. He made sure all entrances were very secure. I did appreciate that though, there wasn't much to do now. I went with Legolas every dawn to go hunt spiders. Sometimes there are so many, we have competitions.
Through the gossiping guards and soldiers, I had heard the Dwarves, the same ones who refused to return Nana's gems, were returning to the mountain, to Erabor. I still remember when we went to have our exchange of riches, the most terrifying dragon of the time, Smaug the Terrible, had ruined their kingdom. They asked for our help, but still bitter from the feuds before, Thranduil refused. We left, and our own kingdom still feels guilt. The idea of them coming back to deal with the dragon, and have our feuds continue, is very hard to imagine. They say the company of Dwarves brings the great wizard, Gandalf the Grey, with them. Along with a halfling, a Hobbit. The number of guards watching for them has increased greatly. Ada will take no chances, that is for sure.
At the moment, I was battling with Ada and Legolas. Legolas was well past his training, but I had recently graduated, but still wanted to hone my skills to perfection. Legolas was a very precise opponent, and that was also his weakness. He plans everything out, and if you can trick him or mess him up, he crumbles. Ada, on the other hand, is like a river. His strokes and aim are very precise, but he can switch his technique at anytime to match his opponent. He uses his two blades like that are part of him, and he is always making sure I do the same. Legolas was find of the bow and his knife, but I favoured swords, like Ada.
I was using two short bladed swords against Legolas' knife and Ada's two long bladed swords. I acted defensively, just as I was told. I prefer offensively, but defence is a very good tactic too. I was currently focuses on Ada's blades, dodging my brother's knife. I was smaller than both of them, and I took that to my advantage. I rolled beneath a sword blade, and knocked Legolas down.
"I'll get you for that one, Lewia," he smiled as he walked to the corners of the forest. I always fought outside, it helped me practice for any distractions I could face. Now I went in circles faced Ada. We stared each other in the eyes, then an idea popped into my head. I changed my tactic and fought offensively, and brutally. He blocked everything, and attempted a jab which I dodged. The sweat on my hands made my grip weaken, and somehow, he noticed. He went for my left arm, using the basic technique to disarm me. I had only my double knifes left. I took a risky move and unsheathed them. He knew I had to and prepared. He struck, missing by a leaf. I bent myself backwards (do the Matrix! XD), and dodged the hit. He was bent forward so I disarmed one sword, and twirled (which happened to be my favourite move) behind him. He used his last sword and stuck me in the ribs. I collapsed to the ground. It did hurt, but we had dulled our swords for a reason. He took no notice of me, and I swept my feet from under him, knocking him to the ground beside me.
          "Never let your eyes off the enemy," I whispered. He smiled and laughed. Nothing made me happier than that laugh. It was true, genuine one, full of love and heartiness. I got up with him. "You did very, very well. Ada's to you, my son. You are not hurt badly?"
          "No, Ada. It'll just be sore for a bit, that's all," I replied.
          "Now, I will tell both of you what you did wrong so you may learn from your mistakes. First, Legolas, you need to be more fluid with your movement, and work on watching the enemy at all times. Other than that, you did very well. Lewia, you did very well for your age. You just need to work on your footwork. That spin was too slow, so I hit you. And I need to watch the enemy, don't I?"
             "Yes, Ada," we laughed. I looked up to the sun, it had gone over the Mirkwoods, and was almost time for dinner.
          "It is near time for dinner. We should clean ourselves up," said Ada. We nodded and followed him inside. We passed Tauriel on the way, and she blushed when Legolas smiled at her. Ada kept his firm expression. I elbowed him softly in the shoulder and smiled. He elbowed me a little harder with what was suppose to be disgust, but he was smiling as well, so it ended up being a sort of smirk. We all knew they favoured each other, but Ada didn't like it. He was suppose to marry a higher class elf.
After we finished dinner, we went on a patrol for the spiders. We went with Arshgla, Necra, Tauriel, Legolas and myself. I brought my sword and bow. I was going to bring my daggers, but I did not want to get that close to a spider. Little did I know, I wouldn't just be facing spiders.

Sorry this was a bit of a short chapter, and that I hadn't written and updated in what seems a few decades. I truly am sorry. I was 'lost' with this subject, and didn't know how to continue it. I now know how the rest of this story is going to play out (don't worry there are still many chapters). Hope you continue to read and enjoy!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2016 ⏰

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