New people

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After we went mining, we went exploring, we headed to a village near Lexi's house. We were gonna knock on all 10 doors in the village.


1: No one.

2: A girl with half her hair died purple and the other half pink. ''My name is Dawn'' she said. We asked her if she wanted to come exploring with us. She said ''sure, as long as my boyfriend, Adam can come too.'' (Please note I do know the relationship between Adam and Dawn. I'm pretending that he didn't propose yet).

•••••••••••••••••••Dawns POV•••••••••••••••••

I went along with the 2 girls who came to my door, with Adam of course. They said it was door #3. We didn't get what they meant, so we just went along with it.

•••••••••••••••••••Lexis POV••••••••••••••••••• 

We knocked on the first 2 doors and now were moving on.


3: I knocked on the door an a guy came out, he looked about 18. He was really cute! His dark brown hair went over one eye and he had soft brown eyes. He held out his hand and said ''I'm Ty, what's your name? I felt my body trembling but I shook his hand and answered his question. ''I'm Lexi'' I told him, blushing. He smiled at me and asked if he could hang out with us. I told him what we were doing and he came along with us. He also happened to know Adam and Dawn.

4: No one.

•••••••••••••••Kayla's POV•••••••••••••••••••••

After about 10 minutes of hanging out with these people, I finally realized they were all YouTubers. We kept on knocking on the doors and no one was answering. We were at door# 8 when someone answered.


8: A girl who I didn't recognize from YouTube answered the door. We introduced ourselves and she told us her name, Kelly. she seemed pretty confused. We told her we were exploring the village, she seemed to understand. She also seemed to be interested so we asked her if she wanted to come along with us. She did.

••••••••••••••••Kelly's POV••••••••••••••••••••

We were knocking on all 10 doors in my village. They've already done like 8 of them so there is only 2 left.

9: A YouTuber answered the door. I recognized him right away, setosorcerer. I was his biggest fan. I didn't like him as a boyfriend or anything, he was just so funny. He looked confused when he saw us. He looked at me and smiled, I smiled back. He asked us what we were doing and he joined in. Before he could close the door, another YouTuber came to the door, it was BajanCanadian! I loved him so much, he is just so cute. He came along with us too. I was so happy!

•••••••••••••••••Kayla's POV•••••••••••••••••••

Almost all the YouTubers I've ever heard of, live in this village. I really hope Jason lives in this last house. I knocked in the door and crossed my fingers. And guess who opened the door...

10: Jason opened the door. I felt like fangirling. I can't believe I'm going to meet minecraftuniverse in person! He looked so confused, he's so cute when he's confused.we explained everything and he came with us to go explore somewhere else.

Jason suggested going to the beach. I liked that idea, we all did. Me and Jason just happened to have our bathing suits under our clothes, no one else did so they went back to their houses and we met at the beach.

------------------authors note-------------------

I made a long chapter this time because I'm at my cousins house and there isn't really anything to do so I wrote a long chapter.

It was kinda weird, but I tried.

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