To Hell With the School Newspaper

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Rose's POV

The guys and Haruhi are all playing games outside, but I'm just sitting off to the side reading. I used to play these with Elda and her friends. The ball hits my book knocking it out of my hands and I look up, it was Hikaru. Damn him.

"Hikaru! You meant to do that!" I shout over to him, standing up, my hands balled up into fists at my side.

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't." He says and I roll my eyes and throw it back to him, it hits him hard in the stomach. I force myself not to smile at all and pick up my book.

"Geez, since when can you throw like that?!" Kaoru asks jogging over, shocked.

"Since always." I say with a shrug and sitting back down, trying to find my page again, but failing.

"Did you play some sport or something?!" Hikaru says, following his brother over after recovering from the hit, his hair looking a bit tousled. I realize both have a bit of dirt on their faces and even some on their uniforms.

"No. Just have a good arm. Is that a crime?" I ask, setting down my book, giving in to having an actual conversation with them.

"No. I guess not." Kaoru says, watching Tamaki. Tamaki hits the ball and it goes far, but has no control. It goes through a window.

"Fuck Tamaki. That could have hit someone." I shout, running towards the building, everyone following behind.

~time skip~

"I'm so sorry!" Tamaki keeps saying and I roll my eyes. Akira has come to the club quite a few times as my guest and he is so annoying. It's horrible being nice to him, maybe I could request Kyoya to stop him from booking an appointment? Sadly, having an awful personality doesn't break any rules though.

"It's okay I guess, but it is kind of a blessing. I want to do a story of the Host Club in the newspaper." Akira says, leaning on his desk. Who gave him a desk? Does he really even need one? I bet he fucking bought it himself, loser.

"Oh we would love to, no problem at all!" Tamaki quickly says, smiling and going to shake the other boy's hand. Kyoya sticks his hand out, stopping Tamaki in his tracks and earning the attention of the room.

"I'm afraid we must decline." Kyoya says and I nod, standing next to him.

"Everyone knows you print nothing but lies and bad gossip anyways." I add looking Akira in the eyes, adding a sweet smile at the end, which clearly confused him a little. Honestly, three weird guys writing a newspaper, no wonder it's failing!

"But their family is breaking up! We can't let that happen!" Tamaki says, sobbing already and jumping in front of Kyoya to argue. To hell with the family, to hell with the school newspaper!

"Bad shit happens Tamaki. That's just how it is. This for the most part isn't even very sad. Get over it." I say and turn around leaving as Kyoya, Hikaru and Kaoru follow me.

"Yeah, we're with Rose on this one. Sorry Boss." Kaoru says with a shrug and Honey, Mori and Haruhi start walking away too.

"If Kyo-chan thinks it's a bad idea, we agree." Honey says and we all leave. Back in the club room Tamki is pouting and mumbling to himself.

"He's going to do the puppy dog eyes thing soon." I whisper to the gang, looking away from my brother. Haruhi sighs and nods.

"Yup, then we're screwed." Haruhi whispers back, adjusting her uniform jacket.

"Ugh, I don't want the newspaper club doing a story on us. Akira is so annoying and I don't think I can handle spending any amount of time with his again." I, continuing whispering, say to Haruhi, scrunching up my nose and soothing out my dress.

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