"sleep with me?"

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OH MY GOSH I AM SOOOO SORRY!!!! I didnt know how long its been scenes I've done the last chapter I didn't mean to I've just been REALLY busy.I promise I will try and make me self do more chapters its just that....I HAVE OCD SO I'VE BEEN CLEANING THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE AND DOING HOMEWORK!!! Well I hope you guys forgive me and reading this cute and funny chapter bye-bye!

Mika let go of yuu and looked at everyone shocked at what he just realized. I love yuu-chan mika thought now that I think about it...I guess I always did love yuu since we were kids. "Hey mika you ok?" Yuu asks lightly tugging on mika's sleeve. "Umm...yeah really yuu-chan!" Mika smiles pating yuu's head. Yuu blushes and starts fixing his hair. Once yuu was done with his hair he turned to Shinoa and asked "so what you wanted us for?" Mitsuba and Shinoa both looked at each other and blushed slightly.

"We wanted to know if you guys could help us move Mitsuba into my house?" Shinoa asks a bit quickly. Yuu and mika both look at each other trying to put the pieces together. Once they did they both grasped and looked at yoichi and screamed " did you know about this!". Yoichi shuddered and responds studdering "i-i did k-know about t-to y-you guys I p-promise!". All three of the boys tuturned their heads to look at the two still blushing girls and give them a look like 'what the hell is going on' look. Both girl hesitated before answering "w-we umm are t-together now so um y-yeah!" Shinona said to them sounding like she scared.

"YOUR WHAT!?!?" The three boys yelled with shock. "Will you just help us already!" Mitsuba said in a snappy voice. "Y-yes we will!" Yoichi spoke for all of us. Shinoa smiled and greeted them in with the wave for her hand. The boys walked in the house swiftly and walked to the livingroom only to be meet by a huge pile of boxs stack on top of each other. The boys groan at the sight know that they have a all of work to do.

(~2 hours later~)

"Oww my arms hurt!" Yuu wines falling face first on the couch. "Well yuu that all part of work!" Yoichi said sitting on one of the arm chairs. "Easy for you to say you got to carry the light stuff!" yuu snapped back. Mika giggled and watched at yuu yell at yoichi at how weak he was and how much he gets babied. Finally when mika had heard enough he interrupted by saying "ok thats enough yuu your going to scare him". Yuu stops yelling and lays back in the couch muddering "stupid mika alway have to get in the way!". Mika laughed slightly and walked over to yuu and said "I heard that yuu-chan~". "S-shut up!" Yuu yelled blushing looking away from the vampire.

A sound of the door opening made the boys look in confusion on who could it be. Suddenly shinoa pops up and tells the boys their free to go home. The boys left shinoa's and mitsuba's house and walked to yoichi's house. "Thanks for walking me home you guys!" Yoichi yelled waving them goodbye before he vanished into his house. "Want to come to my house mika?" Yuu asked without even thinking. "Um sure yuu-chan!" Mika said hesitating at first. "Ok cool!" Yuu replied blushing slightly at mika's responds. Mika gabbed yuu's hand and they practically ran to yuu's house why am I so happy we're just going to yuu's house mika thought causing him to smirk at all the dirty naughty images at popped into his head. "Umm..mika?" Mika snapped out of his thoughts when he heard yuu's voice "yes yuu-chan?" He responded. "Can you uh..let go of my hand so I can unlock the door?" Yuu blushed staring at their hands "oh yeah sure!" Mika quickly let go of yuu's hand and watched as yuu took out his keys and unlocked the front door then opened it. "Im sooo tired!" Yuu wined yawning "then why dont you sleep yuu-chan?" Mika ask while giggling. "....yeah ok" yuu replied walking to his room with mika following close behind him. Yuu grabbed some clothes and walked to the bathroom "be right back ok?" Yuu said "ok" mika responded sitting on yuu's bed while yuu walked into his bathroom. I wonder why yuu asked me to come over. .? Mika thought looking around yuu's room and why in the hell does he never clean his room!?! mika sighed and turned his head when he heard the sounded of the bathroom door opening "holy...". (warning cuteness over load try not to get an nose bleed like I did!) Yuu cames put wearing his boxers and a button up white shirt at went down to his thighs and his face all flushed as he looked down playing with the end of his shirt. Mika didint even know what to say he just stared at yuu in awe so cute! mika thought. "Umm....is everything ok?" Yuu asked walkimg closer. "Yes everythings fine yuu-chan!" Mika nervously smiled. "Ok" yuu said while flopping on his bed. "Well im, just gonna go lay on the couch" mika said standing up to leave but was stopped when he felt a light tug on his shirt and turned around to see that it was yuu that was tugging. "Sleep with me?" Yuu asked quietly staring at mika. "Of coruse yuu-chan" mika responed taking off his clothes (not in a dirty way god you pervs! >_<...I, still love yah though! ^//^) till he was only in his pants and a white shirt like yuu's and lays next to him. "Thanks" yuu said cuddling close to mika. "No problem yuu-chan" mika whispered hugging yuu tightly and they soon drifted off to sleep.

Hey my lovelys I have a question do you guys want to have some lemon (sexy sences) or nah? You guys choose I really want to cause it be fun but I'll see you later bye~!

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