❀ Chapter # 4 ❀ Arriving. Sleeping. And Cupcakes.

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Chapter # 4

Arriving. Sleeping. And Cupcakes.

Amanda’s POV

“Ryan, shhhhhhhh. You are gonna wake everyone up” I whisper screamed at him.

We are the last driving shift so we had to find the hotel. Georgi and Justin are passed out in the back row. Isabel and Chaz are in the middle row, Christian and Brianna were asleep in the first row and Rythima was sleeping in one of the single seats.

As Ryan parked in the hotel parking lot he looked back at them and laughed. “We have to wake them up soon, they have to help carry all the bags.”

I nod and look at my phone. “Its 11:00 pm. I will wake them up while you go and start unloading the bags from the trunk.”

“Ok” he says as he got out.

“Wakey wakey peoplez.” I say. No one woke up. 

“Guys get your lazy asses up we are at the hotel!” I yell. Slowly I saw all of them start to wake up.

“Thanks Amanda,” Chaz says, “That’s just the way I wanted to be woken up.”

“Your welcome Chaz, now come on we have to check in.”

They all tiredly got out of the car and grabbed their suitcases and headed into the hotel. When I went to grab my 2 suitcases Ryan took them out of my hands and started rolling them inside.

“You know you didn’t have to do that Ryan. I could have brought them inside.” I say.

“I know,” he says and winks at me, “ but I wanted to.” 

I smile and follow him to the front desk where Justin was getting the room keys from the lady.

“Enjoy your stay Mr. Bieber!” she says and smiled.

Ryan smiles back. “Tell anyone we are here and no doubt I will get you fired.” He says in a mocking tone.

She nods quickly and we head toward the elevators and stairs. Man, I HATE elevators.

“Ok our room is on the second floor so we can walk if u want.” Justin says.

I must of looked relieved cuz Justin and Chaz started cracking up.

Ugghhhh “Can we please just go upstairs now?” I ask.

They nod. It was a little difficult getting all the suitcases up the stairs but we finally got to our room. After we picked out beds and rooms I completely crashed right there and then still in my regular clothes.

Isabel’s POV

*In hotel living room with Brianna, Georgi and Justin. Ryan, Rythima, Christian, Amanda and Chaz all asleep. *

“No but seriously I’m worried,” Brianna says, “what if Christian forgets about me and goes for Gina?”

I frown. “He won’t leave you, he cares about you way too much.”

Georgi looks away from Justin’s laptop.  “Yea Brianna, don’t let Caitlin get into your head.” 

“Caitlin doesn’t know what she’s talking about. She’s retarded if she doesn’t see that you guys are good together.” Justin says looking up.

Brianna sighs. “I guess your right. I am going to go to bed. Goodnight.” And she left.

“And then there was 3.” I whisper.

Georgi giggles. Justin’s phone starts to ring so he hands the laptop to Georgi and goes into the kitchen to answer it.

“So what is he doing on the computer anyway?”  I ask.

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