✰ Chapter #11 ✰ A bet is a bet in Greek heaven

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Chapter #11

A bet is a bet in Greek heaven

Amanda’s POV

Alexia starts up the Wii, hands Chaz a remote and starts the bowling game.

Chaz smirks “Alexia your going down.”

Alexia rolls her eyes.

Chaz is first to bowl.

He swings back and Ryan screams.

“What’s the matter? Christian asks.

“Chaz hit me...with the remote.” Ryan.

Everyone starts laughing except Alexia.

“Are you ok?” I ask still laughing a little.

“Yeah I’m fine, but that hurt.” Ryan answers.

“Ok. Good.” I say as I lean up to kiss him.

As soon as our lips meet a pillow hits me in the side of the head, so I pull away.


Everyone else is covering their eyes with their hands.

“Is it safe to look?” Brianna asks.

Isabel separates her fingers a little to look through.

“It’s clear.” She says.

I roll my eyes.

Brianna’s POV

“Ok can we get on with the game?” I ask.

“Yea I would like to see this game end before I’m as old as Dumbledore.” Rythima says.

“Ok, ok don't get your beard in a twist.” Chaz answers.

They continue with the game. Alexia was letting Chaz get alot of points but after 3 turns she got sick of Chaz's yells of excitement.

Alexia goes over to Georgi (who is sitting next to me on the couch.) I hear Alexia whispering to Georgi.

“Can I beat his butt now?” Alexia says quietly. Even though she was trying to whisper I heard her loud and clear.

Georgi nods and Alexia goes smiling back to the game.


“Shut up rahtard you're so loud!” Amanda shouts back at her.

“Umm you're being just as loud by yelling at her.” I say.

“Hypocrite.” Isabel says.

“Oh my god guys just watch the game.” Georgi says but then continues, "BUT KICK HIS AS- I MEAN BUTT!"

“Did you guys lose faith in me or something.” Chaz asks.

“No just keep playing.” Justin says.

“Yes I actually have,” Ryan said.

“Agreed your as- BUTT is gonna get pwned,” Rythima says.

“Wait guys who knows maybe Chaz will win...” Christian says, “no wait never mind he’s got no chance.”

“Yea Christian, what were you thinking?” I ask.

“I don't know I think I’m high off of Chaz fumes from when he farted in the car still.” he responds.

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