❧ Chapter #10 ❧ Back to Normal Atlanta

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Chapter #10

Back to Normal Atlanta

Georgi’s POV

Coming back home from New York was taking longer than going to New York. We took 4 stops on the road. One stop for lunch. Two stops to not pee ourselves in the car and another one to eat dinner and sleep for the night.

Justin and I were the last driving shift. I got excited as we passed the Welcome to Georgia! sign.

“Welcome home.” I say quietly.

“Back to normal Atlanta.” Justin says.

It’s been almost a year since we moved here from New York but sometimes it still feels weird calling it home. Maybe because I spent almost 13 years living in NY.

As we pulled off the highway and onto the familiar streets I opened the window and let the July heat come in.

Everyone else who was sitting in the back begin to open the windows and sticking their heads out.

“Guys really?” Justin asks.

They all put their heads back in to hear what Justin’s saying.

“If you are going to do that you might as well do it right.” Justin says.

He then opens both of the sky roofs and says. “Have fun.”

Everybody automatically takes off their seat belts and goes into the sky roof closest to them.

Justin and I laugh as we hear the yells and laughter coming from the top of the car.

I love my funny, crazy, weird, amazing friends.

Brianna’s POV

Christian, Isabel, Chaz, Ryan, Rythima, Amanda and I were all yelling and making weird faces as we pulled onto Georgi’s block.

As we get closer to her house we go back inside the car so her mom doesn’t see us.

When Justin pulls into the driveway and turns off the car we all jump out and open the trunk.

Georgi pulls her suitcase out and Chaz closes it again.

We walk up to the front and Georgi takes out her keys from the front pocket of her bag.

She unlocks the door and we all walk in.

“I’m home.” She says loudly so her mom will hear her.

“Oh hi, I am in the kitchen.” Her mom calls out.

We all follow the voice to the kitchen where her mom is cleaning dishes.

“Hi everyone. How was New York?” Georgi’s mom asked.

“Good. Long drive coming back though.” Rythima said.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Before we got here we all decided not to tell about Isabel almost getting hit by a car.

Her mom went back to cleaning the kitchen as we left and started walking around the house.

Isabel’s POV

We followed Georgi through the halls to her room.

Once we got to the white door with a ‘G’ she opened it and we all went in going to different spots in the room.

Justin went to her desk, Rythima went to her bed, Amanda and Ryan went up to the loft, Chaz and I just sat on the floor and Brianna and Christian were sitting on beanbag chairs.

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