✦ Chapter # 6 ✦ Mini Adventures

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Chapter # 6

Mini Adventures

Christian’s POV

A single tear ran down my face as I raced around the hotel looking for Brianna. How could I have let this happen? I find the one girl I really like and care about and now she’s gone.  I stopped, wiped the tear off my face and answered my phone that was ringing.

“Hello?” I said sadly.

The sound of Justin’s voice came through the phone.

“Christian! Are you ok? Did you find her?” he asked.

I pause to make sure I wouldn’t start tearing right now on the phone with one of my best friends.

I answer. “No. I looked everywhere I can’t find her! How long have I been gone?”

Georgi answers back. “An hour. Don’t worry Christian. We will find her. This isn’t your fault.”

“Yea Christian we are coming down to help you look now.” Rythima says.

“Meet us in the lobby.” Justin says and hangs up.

I walk over to the lobby and sit down on the couch.

I look at the pictures of me and Brianna on my phone. Smiling, laughing, doing random things. I sighed.

“Don’t worry we’ll find her Christian.” Rythima says.

I turn around to see Rythima, Georgi and Justin looking over my shoulder at my pictures.

“Where’s Chazabel (Isabel and Chaz), Amanda and Ryan?” I ask.

“They are looking on the upper floors. We are going to look down here.” Georgi says.

Justin nods. “Lets go ask the front desk if they have seen her.”

We follow him to the front desk.

“Excuse me,” Justin says, “have you seen a girl with brown curly air, a purple shirt on, who might have been crying?”

The guy stared at us.  

“Are you Christian?” he asks pointing to me.

“Yep that’s me.” I say.

“And you mean a girl named Brianna, purple peace sign shirt, owl city bracelet and long brown curly hair” he says.

We nod.

“No I have not seen her.” He says quickly.

“Dude that makes no sense. You just described her and now you expect us to believe that you haven’t seen her?” I ask.

“Yes now go away and don’t go to the laundry room.” He says, but as soon as he says it he looks like he regrets it.

We all look at each other and nod knowing where we have to go.

“Ok,” Rythima says as we start to walk away.

She turns back around. “Oh and by the way where is the laundry room?”

“Down the hall 3 doors to your right.” He says but then covers his mouth.

“Thanks.” Rythima says and smiles. On the desk was a red easy button. She pressed it.

“That was easy.” It said.

 We walked down the hall and found the laundry room.

“Oh wait,” Georgi says, “we should tell the others that we know where she is.”

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