இ Chapter #9 இ Leaving the Big Apple

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Chapter #9

Leaving the Big Apple

Rythima’s POV

9:30 a.m.

After I finish packing, I went into the hallway and knock on Georgi’s door.

“Come in.” Georgi says quietly but loud enough for me to hear.

I open the door and walk in. Georgi was in the middle of putting some last things into her suitcase.

“Hi.” She says.

“Hey, is anyone else up?” I ask.

She nods. “Brianna, Chaz, Ryan, Christian and Justin are up and packing or down in the living room.”

“Okey dokey. Should we wake up Amanda and Isabel?” I say, taking her iPod off her bed and giving it to her so she could pack it.

“Yea one second.” She answers.

She zips up the suitcase and gets up.

“Ok I’m done lets go wake them up.” She says.

We go out in to the hallway put Georgi’s suitcase down and head into Amanda’s room.

Amanda’s POV

I was half asleep as I heard the bedroom door open.

“Wake up Amanda.” I hear Georgi say quietly.

I turn onto my side, refusing to get up.

“Amanda wake up.” I hear Rythima say louder.

“Go away.” I mumble.

Someone takes away the pillow from under my head.

I reach to take the other one but it wasn’t there.

“Get.” Rythima says and whacks me with a pillow.

“Up.” Georgi says and also hits me with a pillow.

“I’m up.” I say quietly.

“GET UP.” They yell at the same time hitting me with both their pillows. I refuse to move at all so they continue to whack me with the pillows.

I get annoyed from the pillow whacking so I finally get up.

“Fine. I’M UP.” I say loudly.

“Yay. Now go pack.” Georgi says and whacks me with the pillow one more time.

They leave so I get dressed and start to pack.

Isabel’s POV

I heard yelling coming from Amanda’s room but I kept sleeping.

The door clicked open and I heard footsteps.

“Izzyabel. You have to wake up.” Georgi says.

“No. No I do not.” I say as I shut my eyes close.

“She’s not going to get up. What now?” Rythima asks.

Georgi says something that I can’t hear and one of them leaves the room.

2 minutes later two people come into the room.

“You have to wake up Izzy.” Chaz says.

“No.” I whine.

“Don’t make me go to plan B.” Chaz replies.

I stay still.

I don’t want to find out what plan B is but I want to sleep.

“Fine if that’s the way you want it.” Chaz says as he begins to tickle me.

I start laughing which makes Rythima, Georgi and Chaz laugh.

“Please… Stop…I’ll… get…up.” I say between laughs.

Chaz finally stops tickling me.

“Good.” He says and kisses me on the cheek.

They all leave so I get dressed.

I pull my 2 suitcases out from the closet. Looking at the empty suitcases and all my stuff I know that this is going to take a while.

Brianna’s POV

Georgi and Rythima came down with their suitcases. Now we have to wait for Amanda and Isabel.

“So who’s driving first?” Ryan asks.

“Me and Isabel will.” Chaz says excited.

“Great. We’re going to be dead before we even leave the city.” I say.

“How am I going to kill all of us?” he asks.

“You’re Chaz,” Christian says, “Who knows how you’ll kill us.”

“Yeah maybe I should drive first.” Ryan says.

“I really don’t care, as long as someone drives we’re good.” Justin says.

We hear Amanda and Isabel coming down the stairs but then we hear a loud CRASH.

At the bottom of the stairs was a pink suitcase.

“Nice going.” Says Rythima as Amanda appears and picks up the suitcase.

“Sorry.” Amanda says.

“Are we ready to go?” Georgi asks.

We all nod. We grab all of our suitcases and get 4 of those luggage cart things.

Georgi’s POV

“Wait.” I say, “Can we ride on them first?”

“I don’t see why not.” Justin says.

We then spend about 15-20 minutes riding and racing them down the hall. Then we put all of the luggage on the carts and then we took the elevators down to the lobby.

(Amanda wasn’t too happy about that.)

After we checked out of the hotel, we brought all of the suitcases to the car.

“We should get food before we leave.” Amanda says.

“Yeah we can go around the block and get bagels or whatever.” Christian says.

So we walked down the block and went to Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts and a bagel store. Every one got what they wanted and we went back to the hotel parking lot to get our car.

Chaz got into the drivers seat and Isabel got shotgun.

The rest of us found a seat in the big van to start the daylong trip home.

Then All Day (by Cody Simpson) came on the radio and Rythima and I automatically start singing with the radio. Then everyone starts singing along too. I smiled as the song ended and we all started talking again.

I looked out the window to see that we were leaving the city and going on to the highway.

I sit back into my seat, ready for the long drive.

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