The Basement.

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After one last glance, one final look at Peeta; I'm whisked away to hovercraft. I want to cry over the fact that I'll never see him again, but I remind myself I might in two days. That's if the Capitol doesn't find us before that and kill us. As the hovercraft flew out, I looked out the window to Peeta's crying face waving back. I held my hand up but finally couldn't look anymore and had to change seats knowing my heart couldn't take it anymore.

I turned around to see everyone staring at me intently. "Well...?" Castor says.

"Well what?"

"Well your obviously in charge, none of us know the plan. So what you got?" They all watch me intently still.

"I don't, we'll uhm."

"Katniss." Leeg 1 starts. "It's time you start being a leader and help us through this. This is all for you."

I take a deep breath and look around. "As soon as we land, we run out. Taking everything we need with us, it will give us time to get out. If we leave quickly the peacekeepers won't have time to surround us. Put everything we can in our bags and run to the woman's house." Everyone nods at the plans. "What's her name?"

"Tirgris." Someone speaks up.

"We'll meet at her house going directly in, cover your faces the whole time. If we do this right we'll make it there alive. Does everyone understand?"


"But how will we know how to get there?"

"Boggs programmed it in my holo thingy-" I hold up my weird box which will show us a hologram of where to go. "It shows directions, instructions, and suggestions of what to do. Also if need be we can communicate back at thirteen with it."

"Okay." Castor says.

There's an awkward pause and I rack my brain of something to say. "Everyone take a rest. You'll need it later."


When I wake it's almost time to land. I stuff all I can into my backpack and then into everyone else's.

I send everybody out last after me and we take off listening to the directions of the holo. This is the most scared I've ever been, I wish I would have pushed issue of Peeta coming with me. I run taking in the situation, I'm within miles of snow. One of us will be dead in days; and I pray for Peeta's sake it's him.

I regulate my breathing as we full out sprint towards the outskirts of the Capitol. Someone calls for a break but I know we can't stop so I just slow a little. We run hard and fast as I keep lookout for anything different. The holograph beeps telling me it's two houses up, I slow down into a walk and subtly walk into the small house.

My legs shake hard as I knock on the door praying it's the right house. The door swings open and it reveals a person in a dark coat with the hood up. "Come in." A semi feminine voice greets.

We walk inside and are led down to the basement and she locks the door. "Hello, I'm Tigriss and I'm here to make you up."

I keep a straight face. "I'm Katniss."

She lets down her hood and I almost jump from my seat. Her face was surgically constructed to look like a tiger, her eyes are strange nonhuman looking. Her face tattooed with animal print, she truly look applauding yet terrifying. "It'll take you a bit to get used to it, but yes I know your Katniss." She looks around. "Your Castor, Messala, Jackson, and your one of the Leeg's right?"

She nods yes and we all sit. "You all must be starving, here. I'll be right. Stay put."

Everyone stays silent for the time she's gone, I close my eyes trying to remember all of Peeta. I miss him already, I should alert thirteen we're all alive. I should tell them it's frugal the next group come as soon as possible.

I look around the basement and it's full of furs and pelts. I breath in the musky scent of it and the food swings open loudly and I jump to my feet. "It's just me.." She says. I slowly sit back down and she brings in man cans and bags. "Canned food, rolls, and water. It should hold you until your departure." We nod and thank her.

There's a knock upstairs. "Oh, that's in the shop. I'll be back down later."

She leaves us alone and I dig through the cans. I stop and put a can of lamb stew between my feet and take a roll. I use my fingers to eat it quickly gulping down the entire can; I use the roll to get the rest of the gravy. I see everyone going back in for seconds so I don't hesitate to do so myself. I eat a can of chicken and gravy this time without a roll. I drink a bottle of water and when everyone's done they stare at me.

"What should we do now?" They ask.

"Sleep I guess. I might go scout later. See what's around."

"No. Stay Here." It's the first time I've ever heard Jackson speak. She has a harsh voice of a man and features of one too.

"You sound like Peeta.." I whisper watching the ground.

Leeg pats my back and the it slowly. "It's only two days.."

I nod and stand handing out furs. It bothers me that they sent me alone, no Peeta, no Gale, no Boggs. I don't know how to lead a group.

After all the furs are handed our I curl into the smallest ball I can and fall asleep quickly. My stomachs full, the doors locked, and hopefully I can trust Tigriss with our lives. I dream yet again of Peeta, I wake by myself crying. Gently I smack on the door careful not to wake anyone.

Three bolts click and her face appears in the door crack and she looks timid. "I'm going to go out and scout. I'll be back sometime." 

"That's not a good idea, there's many peace keeps out there all the times."

"I survived two hunger games; I can do this."

She looks me dead in the eyes and frowns deeply. "Would Peeta allow It?"

"Peeta's not here."

She sighs. "Fine, let's go."

"No no, your staying here." She doesn't hesitate to say okay and let me leave. I hold my bow tight, and climb into a high tree to look around. The inner Capitol is guarded by a electrics fence, exactly like twelve except this one is most likely on and is surrounded by peacekeepers. That's gonna be hard to get around, but if the new invention Beetee has actually shuts off the power it will be easier to get through.

I see something moving close to me and I load my bow, careful to not be seen.  The peacekeeper looks around side to side and up, he looks directly at me. But doesn't give me a second glance.

As he's walking away he drops his gun to the ground and nearly sends me falling from the tree. As he drops his gun, he holds up his hands whistling rue's four note song.

I do, I need you. #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now