Shall we start?

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"What do I do? What do I do?" Peeta asks frantically.

"Go get Haymitch!" I scream through the pain. "We need an overn- ahhhh." I stop mid sentence to scream. "An overnight bag."

"Yes, just hold on." He exclaims kissing my forehead. He runs from the room leaving me alone with my fast breathing. I take deep breaths and let them out of my nose. I stand and try walking to my dresser to help from having to do it. I struggle to stand and my fingers clench the wooden too of the dresser as I have another contraction. The pain is bad, I grind my teeth and moan through it, it's almost a blinding pain. My clenching fingers leave dents in the top where my fingernails gripped it. Peeta appears again with an alarmed look on his face, he grips my waist. "Are you okay?" He asks. "Why are you standing? You should be in bed." He says.

"I was trying to-to get the bag together so you didn't ha-have to." I stammer through the words.

"Sit down at least." He tells me. I nod and do so, I sit down and Haymitch.

"Come on." He says. "Effie is waiting with a car outside, let's hurry."

They each practically carry me downstairs on their shoulders. I'm laid in the backseat with my head on Peeta's lap as he whispers that everything will be okay. Tiny stones hit the car making cracking noises along the way, I try to focus on noises to forget shout the pain. It's a quick drive to the hospital, we could have walked it. And I wanted to, I've suffered much worst and can deal with this.

Peeta scrambles from the car and carefully helps me out. Haymitch grabs the overnight bag as Effie parks the car. "Please, my wife is in labor!" Peeta shouts as the sliding electric door opens and we enter.

"Being her here." A woman says wheeling a wheelchair towards us. He lifts me into it and I'm pushed through double doors.

I lay down on a bed and my mid-wife Dr. Anderson comes in with a smile. "Hello guys." She sings walking to my right side. "It's time is it?"

"Yes." I managed to get out.

"Well let's see how dilated you are." She says putting on rubber gloves.

After a few minuets she throws away the gloves and writes something down on her clipboard. "You are only two centimeters dilated." She explains.

"What's that mean?" Peeta speaks up.

"Well she can't begin pushing until she's ten centimeters dilated, so we will give her an epidural and then wait it out."

"Epidural?" He asks. "What's that?"

"It'll just make her numb from the stomach down so she won't feel the contractions."


An IV is given, and the numbing agent is ran through it. Soon, I can't feel the contractions and I sigh in relief. "All that's left to do now is wait, so I'll be around if you need anything." She leaves and Peeta and I are finally alone.

He sits down next to my bed and takes my hand in his. He smiles widely. "In a day, we're gonna have a baby." He grins.

"I-" I stop myself.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"I know it sounds crazy, but I'm really scared."  I whisper. He lets a soft chuckle come out and kisses my palm over and over.

"I promise you'll be fine. I'll be right here with you the while time holding your hand and cheering you on."

"I love you." I whisper.

"I love you more, now try and rest." He coos before bringing his face to mine and kissing me. After we break I nod and fall into an uncomfortable sleep, I dream. No not dream, it's sort of a nightmare. It was about Prim and Peeta, and my newborn child being taken and killed in front of my eyes. I woke once and fell back to sleep, that dream was of instead of Finnick being hijacked it was Peeta. He attacked me and for some reason I had this vision of him chocking me to death.

I do, I need you. #wattys2016Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora