I hate you.

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The door swings open, and I jump clinging onto Peeta. My fingers dig into his chest, I don't want him to leave. I don't want to leave him. I won't see him for a while again. "Don't leave me please." I sob. "Please, please."

"Katniss I'm sorry. I'm sorry, b-but there's nothing I can do." I stare at him in complete shock.  "I'll be back next week, okay? I'll bring Rye. I promise I'll be back." He says quickly.

"O-Okay." Hugh stands waiting by the door for me. He doesn't urge me to hurry, so I look back to Peeta. "Just promise me you'll stay away from Delly, and call me everyday?"

"Of course my dear." He nods. His lips cover mine and I take them in. I study his face trying to remember his good. Remember all the times he's sacrificed all for me, tried to give up his off for me to live. But i remember the bad, all the times we disagreed. The time we found in our bedroom while being mentors. I remember it all. I wish I could overlook the bad stuff and just remember the good stuff. But love doesn't work that way. It seems the bad is begging to overrule the good stuff. I'm beginning to forget what makes him such a great person. "I love you."

"I uh- i love you too." I stutter trying to push my previous thoughts from my clouded mind. "Stay away from Delly!" Is the last thing I say before being drug back to my cell.

Also instantly I see peeta on television, the paparazzi follow him. He's walking from the prison with tear stained eyes. They begin to ask questions of my state and how I'm doing.

He tells them it's none of their business and to let him alone. But then, one of the reporters asks a question that earns him a punch in the face from Peeta. "Is the damn mockingjay finally being put to Justice for all the destruction and pain she's caused?"

"She freed this nation!" Peeta growls before walking away. A smile grows on my face that is when I look up.

"See something we like do we?" Violet asks with a smirk.

"N-No. Just television." I say standing and smoothing my shirt.

"My Dear. No need to be so jumpy. I'm not angry with you. It's just a months jail time is it not.?" She grins.

"Then why the televised torture? Why are you broadcasting my pain to the nation?" I ask regretting the words as they come from my mouth.

All she does is smirk. "I knew you were fiesty but this is a new level." She pauses and thinks for a second.  "Hugh." She barks. "A double dose of beating today. Strip her down, and give her a double dose of venom." She sneers before leaving.  My eyes look to Hugh as he walks towards me with a sad look. I stand and walk towards the door and push my hands towards him. Silently, he puts on the handcuffs.

"Come on." He whispers. We get into the room. "Can you get undressed? I'll wait to turn the camera on so you can get on the bed." He nods.

"Why are you so nice to me?" I ask suddenly.

"Because you don't deserve this. You did nothing wrong but help our people and panem." He says. "You if you play nice I'll play nice, don't say anything or they'll replace me for someone not so understanding." He says quickly. I nod, undress, then lay down on the table.

The whip cracks down on my back for almost an hour before he stops. Then out comes the venom and knives. He pours the liquid over my open back and throws me back in my cell to let the venom do it's thing. I believe I heard him mutter a sorry before he left, but I couldn't tell. I was too fascinated by the way they made the new clips look so real.

Part of me begins to think this is all real, he's a mutt. He's a mutt who's done nothing to me but hurt me. But my other half tells me I'm wrong. That he loves me, and cares for me.

*one week later*

My name is Katniss Everdeen.
I'm from district twelve.
I hate Peeta Mella-
No! I love him don't i?
My sister is dead.
I've been out in prison.
I have a son named Rye.

Those lines ring through my head all day, all night when the terrors come. That's when the bad people come, the ones in my head I can't seem to control. It's the only time I want to be with Peeta. Even saying his name makes my brain twist.

Their plan is working, I'm beginning to hate Peeta Mellark. But I don't hate him. I love him.

"I love him, I love him, I love him." I begin to chant quietly.

"Come on sweetie." Hugh lifts my frail broken body off the floor. "I found some fake venom." He whispers into my ear. "We can use that from now on, but for now you have a visitor." He leads me to the visitor door.

"Is it Peeta?" I mumble.

"Yeah, it is." He nods with a light smile.

I push through the door and wrap my arms around his waiting body. "Peeta." I sob. "I'm so scared." I say.


"The venoms been working." I whisper.

He takes my by the face and kisses me on the mouth. And in that minuet I begin to remember all the good memories. "It's not real Katniss. I promise, okay? None of that is real, I'm here and I love you." He cups my face in his hands.

"P-Peeta, I'm scared. I don't want to forget you." I sob. "I love you to much to forget."

I hear a soft cry. "What's that?" I ask.

"I brought Rye." He smiles shyly. He goes to the small carrier for the baby and lifts the child out. He cradles him in his arms and looks to me with hope filling his eyes. "So you remember him?" He asks softly.

"Yeah." I say surely. "Can I hold him?"

"Of course." He grins handing me the child. I look at the baby, this is mine. Peeta and I made this child, he's ours.

"Take him back." I say sternly.

"What?" He looks at me confused.

"Take him quick!" I shout, he takes the baby and places him back in his carrier before rushing back to me.

"Katniss!" The mutt says to me grabbing at my face with long sharp nails. I push his arms away and shove him back. "What is happening?" He asks.

"Shut up!" I growl. "Get out of here!"

Peeta's POV;

"Shut up! Get out of here!" She growls before shoving me again. "I don't want to see you. I never wanted to!"

"Katniss look at me." I plead, she has her eyes locked on the wall beside me. "LOOK AT ME!" I shout before grabbing her face, and kissing her straight on the mouth.

"EW!" She screams rubbing her mouth harshly. "I can't believe you did that! Your vile!" She screeches.

"Katniss please, it's not real. It's just a flashback. Come on! I love you! You love me,
Please. You said you didn't want to forget." I plead.

"Leave Peeta." Shut spits.

She says one last thing I never ever wanted to hear her say. Something that makes me sink to my knees with my face in my hands.

"I hate you Peeta Mellark."

I do, I need you. #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now