Wedding Dress

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Hi! Like Pretty Little Liars? Well, I have an account just for PLL fan fics! Go follow and check it out!


I said Yes. 

I told Aizen that I would marry him. 

I mean, why not?

He's sexy, he's sweet, he'll take care of me, and I won't have to worry about this damn drama anymore. 

"You're going to need a dress." Aizen said, sipping his tea as we sat in the meeting room alone, as we did almost everyday. 

I smiled at him, "Yes, I will need a dress." 

"I'll take you shopping for one today." He said casually. 

I thought about it, but as far as I knew, there were no shops in Hueco Mundo. 

"Uh... How, My Lord?" 

He chuckled. "I'll have Szayel make us Gigais and we'll go to the world of the living." Then he added, "And enough with the formalities. We're engaged, for Heaven's sake." 

I blushed slightly, embarrassed for being so dumb. "Of course, Aizen." 

So far, things were going pretty well. Aizen was treating me like a princess, and the other espada had backed off A LOT. Being engaged to Aizen was actually pretty nice, but for some reason, there was a nagging in the back of my head, telling me that it wasn't such a good idea. Of course, being the stubborn girl I am, I ignored it. 

When Aizen finished his tea, he smirked and stood from his seat a the head of the table. He walked beside the length of it, all the way to my seat, at the opposite end. I look up at him, wondering what he was doing, but before I could ask, he had picked me up, and wrapped my legs around his waist. Our faces were inches apart. 

"So..." He whispered. 

I took in the scent of his breath. He always smelled like mint and vanilla. It was very... Alluring, to say the least. 

Aizen spoke again, "I was wondering, are you sure you want to wear a white dress?" 

I looked at him, a little confused. "Yeah... I guess... Why?" 

He grinned and began trailing kisses up my neck. I moaned out loud. 

"Well," He said between kisses, "I thought maybe I could... taint you a little." 

I was sure my face was a horrible shade of red as I gasped and pushed lightly against his chest. His kisses traveled to my collar bone. 

"Aizen!" I gasped. "I-I don't think I'm..." I bit back a moan as I felt him begin to suck on the skin at the crook of my neck, "ready to do that!" 

He pulled back and smiled at me. "Alright." 

And at that, he set me down, and walked towards the door. 

"I'm going to talk to Szayel. You can come if you'd like." 

I nodded and followed closely behind him. 

We stepped into Szayel's lab, and he stood and bowed before Aizen. 

"Lord Aizen, what an honor," Szayel said in his feminine voice. "How may I serve you, My Lord?"

"I need two gigai's." My fiance said. "One for me, and one for the lovely Brooke." 

Szayel bowed again, "Of course my Lord, I actually have already had Gigai's made for you and all of the espada, in case the need ever occurred." 

Aizen grinned. "Very admirable, Szayel. We'll take those now." 

Szayel nodded and opened a door to a room where gigai's for all of the espada and ex-soulreapers were kept in glass container. He opened ours and carefully lifted the lifeless bodies from their places of rest. He laid mine in front of me. And Aizen's in front of him. 

"All you must do is fall into it." Szayel said. 

Aizen nodded and did as he was told. I watched as he simply let himself fall into the body, and it gasped into life. 

I took a deep breath, slightly nervous, and did the same thing. 

I opened my eyes, and realized I was on the ground. I guess it worked. 

I quickly stood and came face to face with Aizen, who was smirking at me. 

"Still as beautiful as ever. You did her justice, Szayel." 

"Thank you, My Lord." Szayel said.

Aizen grabbed my face and suddenly pulled me into a heated kiss. I blushed as I felt his tongue tasting my lips. He pulled away with a smile. "Mm, and you taste like strawberries." 

I giggled although I was a little embarrassed that he did that right in front of Szayel, who look very amused. 

I watched Aizen open a portal to the world of the living, and he held out a hand to me. 

"Shall we?" 

"Yes." I smiled and nodded, and took his strong hand, as he led me into the portal, and back to the place I used to call home. 


We walked the streets of Tokyo, going to dress boutique after dress boutique, holding hands all the time. 

I smiled as I thought, "Maybe this is what it would be like if Aizen and I had met under normal circumstances. What if we were both fully humans. He would just be a man with a lot o power over some big company, and I'd be his secretary. We would meet and fall in love. He would take me to a park bench, and propose. I would say yes, and here we would be, wedding dress shopping together." 

Aizen chuckled. "What are you thinking about? You have the glazed over look on your face." 

I blushed a little and decided I would just admit it, "Well, I was just thinking that this is what it would be like if we had met under human circumstances." 

He laughed a little and squeezed my hand. "Well, yes. I suppose this is about how it would be." 

We walked into a very large Wedding Dress shop and were immediately greeted by a way-too-perky sales woman. I didn't really like the way she was eyeballing Aizen, either, but I just brushed it off, and sent her to bring me dresses. 

I tried on about 5, and was beginning to lose hope, when she brought out a dress that caught my attention, even from the hanger. I quickly ran to the dressing room and put it on. It was a long, white dress, and a 5 foot trail behind it. It had short sleeves, made of lace, and a sheer lace covering over the entire thing. There was a diamond belt around the waist, which was really flattering to my figure. 

I immediately fell in love. 

I giddily walked out of the dressing room and onto the platform to show Aizen. 

His face lit up and he grinned at me. 

"It's perfect." He said softly. 

Tears slightly prickled my eyes as I stared at my reflection, and the beautiful man behind me. 

The dress was perfect, this day was perfect, it was all just perfect. 

Maybe this marriage actually would work out. 



Well, guys. Thanks for reading. Sorry it took so freaken long. I've had a lot of crap to do and haven't had much inspiration to write. I just graduated High School though! Whooooo! 

Anyways, like I said at the beginning of the chapter, if you like Pretty Little Liars, please go and follow my new account. You'll like it, I promise. (:

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