SleepOvaaaa !

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{Nickis house}

Payeton: That movie wasn't that scary ..

Ariella: Are you serious ? That movie was beyond scary !

Omariana: *stares* I guess I'm not goin to sleep !

Raven: I said it would be a bad idea !

Omariana: *goes in her room and changes into pajama shorts and a pink tank top* Movie was scary !

Payeton: Not really

Omariana: Do you watch scary movies onna daily basics ?

Payeton: No

Omariana: Ohh cuz I was bout to say you must be used to em ..

Payeton: Not that type !

Christiani: Them masks .. Those twin girls ..

Raven: Why would he let the man in ?!

Omariana: He's cray

Raven: Right !

Nicki: Y'all still scared ?

Girls expect Payeton: Yes !

Nicki: Payeton ?

Payeton: It really wasn't scary .

Nicki: Well she took that like a boss ! But I'm gonna go get Alisha and your dad is downstairs

Omariana: Okay

Nicki: *closes door*

Raven: Wat we doin now ?

Christiani: MAKE OVERS !

Omariana: *opens her closet and brings out a tote full of fake nails , nail polish , etc ..

Christiani: Make up ?

Raven: Lets use mines ! *runs to her room and comes back with her make up kit*

Omariana: *gets hair brushes , combs , hair accessories , colored hair clip-ins , etc ..*

Ariella: Lets get this party started ! Doo doo doo started ! *dances like Luke off Jessie*

Girls: *laugh*

It's 5 o'clock inna morntin ! Instagram got borin ! And I'm not goin to bed soon ! So I stayed up in my bedroom !

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