Guess that was ..

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{Skipping to crowing}

Lorry: Now will I have my 3 year olds on stage !

Nicki: Wake up Alisha ! *pats her*

Alisha: *starts crying*

Nicki: Awe my baby needs her nap ! We gotta go get your crowns ! *puts on shades and walks on stage with Alisha' Marie*

Lorry: Prettiest hair goes to .. Amorie .. Prettiest smile goes to .. Alisha'Marie

Nicki: Raise your hand

Alisha: No !

Nicki: *grabs her hand and raises it*

Lorry: Prettiest eyes goes to .. Alisha'Marie .. Most photogenic .. goes to .. Jada

Alisha: *dozes off*

Lorry: 1st runner up goes to .. Mya ! 2nd runner up goes to .. Jada ! Princess goes to .. Trina ! If your child didnt get a crown she's placed for a higher title

Nicki: *picks up Alisha and walks back to her seat*

Omariana: Yay ! She's placed for a higher title !

Nicki: Yup

{Later on in crowing}

Lorry: Now on to our higher titles

Audience: *claps and whistles*

Lorry: Photogenic goes to .. Alex !

Audience: *claps*

Lorry: Most beautiful goes to .. Alisha'Marie !!

Nicki: *jumps up* Alisha go get your prize !

Alisha: *cries and stomps feet*

Devin: *picks her up and brings her on stage*

Alisha: *take crown off her head*

Devin: *takes it and puts it back on her head* Look Alisha ! Smile for the camera

Alisha: *throws crown*

Devin: Lets go *picks her , her crown , her trophy , and sash up and walks off the stage*

Raven: I wonder what we get !

Omariana: Probably nothing because we didn't participate in the Halloween wear !

Raven: Ooh yea !

Lorry: Supreme Queen .. Omariana !

Nicki: YAYY ! Go up there baby !

??: Her voice oddly sounds alot like Nicki Minaj's

??: I was just thinking that !

Nicki: *mumbles* Oh shoot

Lorry: Our mini grand supreme goes too .. Melissa ! Grand Supreme .. Raven !

Raven: *runs to the stage*

Lorry: Now for our biggest title .. who wins the 11 foot trophy .. 2 in a half pound crown and $10,000 ! Issss .. Keisha !!

{After pageant}

Omariana: We killed ! we killed ! We killed ! We killed !

Raven: Show was dope !


Nicki: Y'all lets go ! *grabs their hands and dashes towards the elevator*

??: Nicki ! Can I have your autograph

Nicki: Sorry not today

??: Please ! Please !

Omariana: Hey ! My mommy don't wanna be bothered ! Leave her alone !

Raven: Yea ! So hard headed !

??: And harajuki barbies ! Autographs ? Please ! Omfg !

Omariana: Why sure *takes sharpie*

Nicki: *jacks them into the elevator and pushes the button fastly*

Raven: Awe they didn't get autographs

Nicki: Too bad !

Livin Large *triology to Mommys Girl*Where stories live. Discover now