.. Com PA tion .

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{Skipping 2 weeks when they at the pageant}

Omariana: Oh my gosh ness ! mommy look at her dress !

Nicki: Stop Alisha !

Alisha: No ! I don't wan it !

Nicki: You gonna stay in it !

Alisha: It itch !

Nicki: I put lotion on you !

Alisha: Soo !

Nicki: We'll it's whatever now ! *puts Alisha's flipper in her mouth*

Alisha: Eww !

Nicki: I told you to stop sucking yo thumb ! Now here get a pixie stick

Alisha: Yay ! *takes pixie stick and pours some on her tongue*

Raven: Aha ! That's why you going first Alisha

Alisha: *shrugs shoulders*

Nicki: Lets go y'all . *grabs Omariana's number*

Alisha: Wait , I'm still eating this mommy !

Nicki: Eat it when we get down there ! Lets go ! *walks out*

*They get on the elevator , go in the pageant room (or w.e. they call it) , and watch all the way to they get to the 3 year olds*

Lorry: Here is our next competent , Everyone please welcome .. Alisha'Marie !

Nicki: Go !

Alisha: *walks on stage*

Lorry: Miss Alisha'Marie has light green-blueish eyes and long , curly brown hair

Nicki: *points to Alisha's first X*

Lorry: Alisha'Marie's favorite thing to do is play with her 2 sisters , Omariana and Raven and best friend Tunnie

Nicki: Alisha , smile

Alisha: *smiles brighter*

Lorry: Alisha'Marie's favorite food is shrimp pasta and her favorite color is hot pink , when she grows up she wants to be a singer just like her mommy

Nicki: *pushes shades on her face back some more and pulls hood on her head* Walk to your last X Alisha !

Alisha: *twirls , puts fingers in her dimples , and walks toward her last X*

Lorry: Everyone give a round of applause for Alisha'Marie !

Alisha: *walks off stage and runs toward Nicki*

Nicki: *picks her up and kisses her cheek* You did good !

Omariana: You looked pretty up there

Alisha: *smiles* I know

Devin: Good job baby girl !

Nicki: Here take her to the room and give her some donuts and a cold drink *hands him Alisha*

Alisha: See you later alligator !

Nicki: After while crocodile !


Lisa: *walks into bathroom and looks in mirror* .. *slams her fist against it and screams* MY HAND !! AHH !

Nurse: *rushes in bathroom* Gosh are you ok ?

Lisa: Does it look like it ?!

Nurse: I'll go get some gauges and bandaids

Lisa: Hurry !

{Payton's hospital room}

Payton: *humming PLL's theme song*

Doctor#2: Here's your food little lady

Payton: Thanks *peels the skin of her chicken and eats the meat slowly*

Doctor#2: I'll be back *walks out*

Payton: Ooh she left the door opennnn .. *pushes her food tray aside and gets out the bed* Ouch . *looks out the door and runs out towards her momma room*

Doctor#2: Im ba- .. Payton ?

Payton: *peeks in the little crack in the door*

Lisa: *crying*

Payton: *busts in* Mommy ! You ok ?

Lisa: Yea , mommy just has a small bobo

Payton: That dont look like a SMALL bobo but I got to go before the doctor comes back love you mommy *runs out back to her room*

Doctor#2: There you are

Payton: Here I am ! .. Once again feeling lost through now and then ! I breathe it in .. to let it go ! And you don't know where you are now ! .. Ok that's enough *gets in her hospital bed*

Doctor#2: I have to give you your shot

Payton: Nooooo !

Doctor#2: I have to sweetheart

Payton: Why ? I'm not sick

Doctor#2: You need your shot for your arm

Payton: But but but , the cast is still on my arm !

Doctor#2: Yea , I have to put it in your shoulder

Payton: Ughh ! Ok !

{Halloween Pageant}

Omariana: I wanted to be Daisy Duke mommy !

Nicki: Tuuh ! I think not ! Them shorts she wore ?! Never !

Omariana: I wear shorts

Nicki: Yea , but not the kind she had on

Raven: She had booty shorts !

Alisha: Haa ! She said booty

Nicki: Dont laugh at that Alisha

Alisha: Ok

Heyyy .. sorry it toke me bookoo long to update .. But it's 4:30 a.m. And I'm watchin teen nick bored and sick af ! But uhm who up ? What time it is in yo state ? Wyd ?

Livin Large *triology to Mommys Girl*Where stories live. Discover now