I miss you

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{3 months later}

~Nicki's House~

Lately , everything has been fine . I'm 4 in a half months pregnant and I have been seeing someone . Me and Devin got a divorce , we weren't happy with each other .. The kids were disappointed . VERY disappointed , but it's for the best . Speaking of Devin , he should be here to pick up Alisha . He can't take Omariana because she isn't biologically his .

Nicki: You got everything baby girl ?

Alisha: Yes mommy *sucks thumb*

Nicki: Alright then . Don't forget Erika the Doll .

Alisha: I'm ain't mommy

~5 minutes later~

Alisha: *peeping out the window* Mommy ! Daddy and RaeRae here !

Devin: *rings doorbell*

Alisha: *opens it* DADDY !

Devin: *picks her up* Hey baby . How you doing early this morning ?

Alisha: Gooood .

Nicki: *comes out kitchen and takes Alisha from Devin* Okay , make sure you tell Raven to call when y'all make it to his house okay sweetie ?

Alisha: Otay .

Nicki: Give mommy a kiss

Alisha: *kisses Nicki's cheek* Bye mommy

Nicki: *puts her down and straightens her booksack* See you later baby . *kisses her* Be good okay ?

Alisha: Otay

Devin: Lets go Alisha *walks her out to the car and puts her in her car seat and gets in*

Nicki: *blows kiss to Raven and Alisha and closes door*

Omariana: I miss Raven

Nicki: Me too , it's like Devin don't want her to see you or something

Omariana: I know right ! *pouts* I'm just gonna go sit in my room *walks upstairs and goes into Raven's old room and sits on her old bed*


I been out of jail and I found me another woman , I love her .. Maybe more then I loved Rihanna :/

Karrueche: Bae , you okay ?

Chris: Yea , why you ask ?

Karrueche: You look so tense

Chris: I'm just tired you know ?

Karrueche: Mhm , you wanna go visit Christiani huh ?

Chris: Kind of .. Well yea

Karrueche: Okay , we'll go in a few I'm eager to meet her ! *smiles*


Ariella: *limps down the stairs* Nanny ?

Nanny: Yes hun ?

Ariella: It's bleeding again .

Nanny: We gonna have to take you to the hospital . I'm gonna go grab you a light jacket and slippers *walks up to her room and comes back with the stuff* Here put it on .

Ariella: *puts the jacket and slippers on* It's hurting real badly

Nanny: *picks her up , carries her out to her car , lays her in the back seat , and gets in and speeds off to the hospital*


Nanny: *rushes in with Ariella* Uhm , we need a doctor now ! My daughter recently got shot in her leg , and she got stitches now her leg won't stop bleeding .

Livin Large *triology to Mommys Girl*Where stories live. Discover now