What should I do

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Daniel's POV

"Welcome to Boston High School"he said and he sounded nervous. But he did not show it. I like that.

"Thank you so much" I said

"How long have you been here?" He asks

"About like 3 weeks I took like 2 to get the place clean and move everything in." I say truthfully.

"Hey I have to go to the office can you show me where it is?" I ask even though I already know where the office is. I just wanted to spend more time with him.

Joey's POV

He wants a low life like me to show him to the office?

"Sure...Follow me." I want to spend more time with him and that's why I said yes.

I showed him to the office and the bell had rung GREAT. This sucks.

"I have to get to class see you during lunch"I say while holding back a smile.

"Yes you will....Bye" It sucks that he has to get to class. But who knows maybe he will be the one to show me around campus.

I walk up to the lady in the front office and I hand her my slip that states that I am new and I need someone to show me around school.

While she calls for the person I sit down and go on my phone.

Joey's POV

In sitting in class and all I can think about is Daniel. I just can't get him off my mind. My thoughts are interrupted when the teacher calls my name.

"Joey your needed down in the office." The teacher practically yells

As I walk down to the office I am actually nervous and I don't know why.

Daniel's POV

When I look up from my phone I notice that Joey is in the office

"Hi what am I needed for?" He asked the lady in the office

"I need you to show Daniel around campus for the next few days"she said as she pointed at me

"Mr.Preda this is Joey Graceffa"she introduced him to me

"Hello there again"I say trying not to blush

I've never blushed before yet around Joey I do it so much

Joey's POV

"Hello again to you too"I say kindly and trying to hide my blush

I have never blushed around girls when they tell me how adorable I look.

"Well it looks like you'll be following me for the day" I said which in all honesty I'm OK with him following me around ALL day

"Looks like it." He looks so cute right now... He has such a cute smirk on his face that just won't go away

Daniel's POV

For the rest of that day me and Joey followed each other around like shadows. It was fun until the bell rang for us to go home.

"Hey do you want to go to my place so we can talk more" he asked me

"Yea sure do you have a car or are we taking the bus?"I asked

"I have a car so don't worry we are not sitting on a bus with a bunch of hormonal teenagers that stink" he said which made me laugh a little

"Good because let's be completely honest that would have been DREADFUL to sit through" I said as we both laughed

( at home )

"So this is my home your welcome to take off your shoes and come with me to my room"he said

Wow did he just ask me to come to his room with him?

Joey's POV

When he took if his shoes we went me room and sat down and talked

"So I have a question and its serious" he said

"OK what is it?"I asked worried

"Are you .....gay?" I froze when he asked that. I mean I don't even know at this point

"I'm questioning if I am." I said that and honestly its the truth

"Are you gay?" I ask

"Yes I am and that's why I asked you because truthfully.....I kinda like you even though we just met this morning"

Ohhhh what will Joey say... Will he say that he likes him back or keep his feelings for Daniel buried.
Keep voting and I'll keep updating.

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