Time to face the music

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Daniels POV

"Mom I'm leaving for school see you later"I yell as I grab my keys and head out the door to pick up Joey

"Ok sweetie I love you"Is yelled as I exit the house

As I'm driving I can't help but worry about if Joey is ok because of the situation with his mom and her drinking. My thoughts are interrupted by my phone buzzing so I pull over and check it in case it's Joey. When I look at my phone I see that my friend Ricky texted and asked if I was going to the football game after school. I reply with a quick no and keep driving so I can get to school on time.

Joey's POV

As I'm getting ready for school I get a text from Daniel saying that he's going to take me to school. As I'm waiting I hear my name get called....

"Joey wait!"I hear my sister yell

"Yes what's wrong Nicole?"I ask

"Nothings wrong you just forgot your bookbag."she said whole handing me the bag

"Oh well that happened km sorry my mind kinds just spaced for a minute because of mom."I said truthfully

"Its ok"she said as Daniel pulled up

Should I tell him about my mom drinking again or not? This question just raced in my mind and I couldn't decide what to do so I turned to the best possible source...my sister

"Hey Nicole should I tell Daniel about mom?"I asked

"If you think he deserves to know than yes tell him.I would"she said and I think she was right

Daniels POV

When Joey got into the car he seemed nervous

"Joey are you ok?"I ask

"I have to tell you something"he said his voice shaking

"What is it you can tell me anything"I said

"Well you know how I told you about my moms drinking problem?"he asked

"Yes"I said

"Well she stopped for little but I found out that she went back to her old ways but she doesn't do it when I'm around she does it while I'm at school so that u don't see. She cleans up before I get home. My sister told me and in thought that you should know about it too."he finished saying and I embraced him in a hug and what I said next came as a shock to him

Ohhhhh what do you think Daniel is going to say about the situation? I hope you all are enjoying the book so far because I have been enjoying writing it I'm sorry for the late updates it just been that I just been distracted with things but it's here now. Bye for now ;)

The New Kid ( Janiel)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang