Hello Husband (2)

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Next Chappie... Please tell me what you think








I walked slowly back to my room, thinking over the fact that I got MARRIED last night.

I also slept with said husband, a total stranger.

I mean sure I wasn’t a virgin but I definitely wasn’t a slut.

And as for the MARRIAGE thing, well I just hope he can get an annulment.  I definitely do not want this going on my permanent record.

I finally made it to my room, room 594.

I just stand there staring at the door.

In truth, I am scared of what the girls will say.

I was brought out of my reverie by someone, some male in fact, opening the door, manoeuvring around me and walking down the hall.

Okay then…?

I stop myself from thinking too much as

1-      My head is killing me

2-      It brought me back to the fact that I got MARRIED last night.

I still couldn’t get over it.

Who would have thought?

I would get married, drunk in Vegas. Megan, Head Cheerleader and total Slut, sure, but not me I was always the responsible one.


I hesitantly open the door to find …

Chloe asleep on some guys chest while Lucy, I can hear heaving into the toilet bowl, by the sounds of it.

I try to close the door as quietly as possible but luck is against me as the wind picks up, slamming the door closed with a bang.

Chloe shoots up yelling, “I don’t wanna go to school today MOM!”

This however funny it is wakes up the guy she was laying on and it turns out it was Josh, one of the guys we had befriended over the last few days.

I have to admit I was expecting this; he and Chloe had been eyeing each other since they met and made such a cute couple.

At all the commotion Lucy walks out of the bathroom to notice my arrival.

“AND where have you been Miss Wright?!” She says in a stern voice.

A little voice in the back of my head corrects her, ‘Mrs’.

“Uh…Yeah? That’s what I wanted to talk to you two about?” I say almost questioningly.

They both perk up, listening intently before Lucy goes running into the bathroom covering her mouth.

Ahh… Lucy could never hold her liquor well.

“Um… It seems like I maybe, kind of…… gotmarriedlastnight,” I rush out in a jumble.


“Ow!” Comes from the direction of the bathroom as it seems Luce hit her head on the sink as she jumped in shock.

“YOU DID WHAT!?” Lucy exclaims, rushing out of the bathroom while Chloe just stands their staring at me like I had just grown 2 heads.

“Well…” I then explain to them the whole story, or at least what I remember of the whole story.

Hello Husband, Fancy seeing you hereWhere stories live. Discover now