Hello Husband (19) + Apology

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You have no idea how Sorry i am for the wait, I'm not going to bore you guys with my life's troubles but its been over a year and a half since i last wrote and i've dealt with a heap of shit to do with my lying, cheating ex and went through depression and anorexia and then with senior year and having no time its been hard but to all my loyal followers still here, new and old. This is for you all! Your comments and support have helped me get through this and be able to write this for you all. I'm sorry if its shit :/


Jack's POV

I walked in the front door of my house, calling out to El to see where she was at.
I frowned when there was no reply, walking into the living room however I smile at the sight before me.

El had a friend over and they had both fallen asleep watching movies. The credits were still on the screen so I walk over to the DVD player and eject the disk.
The Notebook disk pops out and I smile but shake my head at El's Movie Choice. My Mum and Sisters watched that Movie sooo many times, hell they made me watch it with them way too many times.

I smile at the two of then cuddled together. El looks so cute, sleeping so peacefully with this adorable little smile on her face which makes me wonder what shes dreaming about and if shes dreaming of me.

"Man you have it bad," my brain says to me and i smile sadly knowing its true and only wishing she felt the same way.
I walk down the hallway heavy in thought. I grab a blanket from the top shelf of the linen cupboard, thankful to my mum for furnishing my house because knowing me i would be to lazy to organise and do all the details let alone but half this stuff. It was much easier to just give her my credit card and tell her to go wild.
Making my way back into the lounge room i gently lay the blanket over El's friend before gently, so as not to stir her, picking up El into my arms and taking her into my room.
I walk slowly into my room so as not to wake her, gently lying her down she moves around and i freeze hoping not to have woken her but smile as she rolls over onto my pillow and snuggles up to it.
I brush away a stray piece of hair from her face smiling at the beautiful woman that I am so lucky to call my wife.

I smile sadly as i gently run my hands through her hair.

I'm so lost in my thought I don't realise that El's friend is watching us until she speaks,
"You really love her don't you."
Startled i jump a little causing El to stir. I freeze so as not to wake her but she just snuggles her face deeper into my pillow and settles down again.
Lifting a finger to my lips signalling to El's friends I lean down and place a kiss on El's forehead and make my way out of the room. Silently shutting the door behind me I lead El's friend back to the living room.

"You love her!" She says and I slowly nod unsure what to do.
"Then tell her you idiot! Don't you see the way she looks at you! I've only been here for a few hours and all she's spoken about is you and I know my Da ni! I know that look in her eye and she's just as in love with you as you are with her! For as long as i have seen her with my little brother she has never had that look in her eyes, that look of love and of home and happiness and safety. So don't just sit around and do nothing, go after her! " She whisper yells at me and my jaw drops open as i take in all that i said.
Not only has she just told me that she loves me but also told me she is Chase's older sister and I don't know how I feel about that because he's not my favourite person right now having made my El cry too many times!

"Oh, I'm Nadine by the way," she then pops up in a cheerful voice shocking me,
"So... What are you going to do about it, because whatever you do if you hurt my Dani I will have to castrate you," she says scaring the shit out of me
Slowly and cautiously I reply to her, slightly afraid of her to be honest,
"I don't know what I can do," I say honestly,
" I love her I know I do but even if she cared for me too she doesn't want this... This marriage. And it's not possible i'm her teacher for gods sake!" I state exasperatedly taking my head in my hands,
" I just wish things could be different...
I wish we could have met under different circumstances
So we could have gotten to know each other properly.
So i could have courted her and spoiled her with fancy dates and flowers and jewellery.
To have been given the chance to get down on one knee and profess my love to her asking her to marry me. But I cant because of all this and as much as I hate it I wouldn't change a thing because it brought me El.
God look at me, if Chase saw me now he would have a field day, giving me so much shit. " I ignore the quizzical look she sends me about Chase and just shake me head.
"Who says you can't still do that?" Nadine states stopping me in my tracks, I take in what she says considering it, I mean it'd be hard because we have to keep it a secret but who says we cant?...
"Trust me here, and if you need any more proof, she lets you call her El." Not it was my time to look at her quizzically, what has that got to do with her feelings for me?
"It's not my place to say but just trust me on this, ask her about it one day and you'll understand what I mean."
My curiosity piked at that but overall my thoughts went to El and the thought that she way just love me back. That thought alone had a smile stretching across my face, "I'm Sorry I've never been such a sop before but El brings it out in me and I don't care because I love her... I love her." I state confidently, smiling at the thought.
"Good, now look after my girl," she says smiling over my shoulder.
I turn to where she was looking and see El standing there leaning against the doorway blushing and smiling straight up at me.
In the back of my mind I hear Nadine make her leave but my sole attention is on my girl, my love and My wife.


I know it's not that long but its all I'm able to do at the moment :/ I'll try to update again soon but it will probably be a month between uploads as its crazy season with my senior year at High School

Thank you all
Xx Madi :)

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