Hello Husband (18)

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  • Dedicated to You, My Readers and Fans

Chapter 19 coming ASAP, hopefully next week.
AND it will be Jack's POV ( this is El's) 


This is dedicatted all my readers and fans who have stuck with me <3 I Love You Guys

The Full Chapter 18.

Chapter 18

I walk through the doors of my high school with a smile on my face, confident and happy but that soon changes as I walk through the front doors and everyone turns silent before the gossip starts. I walk through the hallways and down to my locker with the gossip following behind me. I hear bits and pieces of conversation as  I walk by and can see the story has been passed around and been over exaggerated

I heard she invited Noah over and when he got there she was making out with some other guy

Didn’t you hear, Noah walked in on her having s*x with some other guy

That slut! I was told by Harry who was told by Leanne who heard it from Josie who was told by Phoebe, who says Noah and her are really close now and that he told her, that she told Noah to pick her up from some warehouse and when he got there she was like totally high and like having s*x with some drug lord

The stories and the name calling got worse and worse the further down the halls I got, I felt my eyes start to water as I hear a commotion coming down the hallway.

“SHUT UP JUST SHUT UP! ALL OF YOU WITH YOUR STUPID LIES AND GOSSIP JUST SHUT UP!!” I watch a very Angry Noah yell at a bunch of once gossiping girls, as he stalks down the hallway

I catch his eye and his eyes soften but just as quickly harden again, he glares in my direction as he stalks past me.

“Babe what’s wrong,” Phoebe asks with such fake concern as she goes up to Noah but he just brushes her off as he continues to stalk past.

“All right everyone, show’s over on to class!” I hear Jack call out and turn to find him right behind me. He takes one look at me and his eyes soften, he drags me into his classroom, shutting and locking the door behind him.

He looks me over with a sad smile before pulling em to him, giving me a hug. I protest at first but as his arms stay strong around me I give up settling into his warm embrace, making me feel safe from the prying eyes and thoughts of my peers

“I only have a class periods 1,2 and 5 today, so I will speak to Mrs Shooten in the office and get a cover for period 5 and meet you at home after period 2 okayy?” Jack says softly to me

“Thank you,” I say sincerely looking into his eyes as I regrettingly detangle myself from his hold, the bell rings and I turn away from him. I walk out of his classroom feeling his eyes follow me.

I walk down the hall and out the front door with my head held high but as the leather seats of my car engulf me the first tear falls, quickly followed by the next. Soon my tears turn into sobs.
I pull my knees up to my chest resting my head against them as I let the tears come freely.

What has my life come to! A Year ago, heck a few months ago, and I wouldn't even imagine my life like this, yet here I am. In my car crying because my world is falling apart around me, Married (to a man who is not Noah) and not living at home anymore!

I was cut out of my thoughts by the trill ringing of my cell phone.
I look at the caller id and cringe.
I answer the phone with a timid, "Hi,"

“Danielle Louise Wright Why the hell does it sound like you are crying and why do I have a Moody Noah who is crying for you one minute cursing you and some Edward idiot the next!” My Eldest Best friend, and like a big sister to me, Noah’s Sister, Nadine Yells at me through the phone making me pull the phone slightly away from my ear

Hello Husband, Fancy seeing you hereWhere stories live. Discover now