Hello Husband (6)

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Heyy!! So here is the next chapter.. it is unedited so i will get my new editor, Ayeesha - XxConFusEdxX- to edit it and will upload the edited version tomorrow x :)

Ayeesha also has and AMAZING book - Volatile Relations: Andrea's story - which is really good and would ask you guys to check it out... you wont regret it





It was Mr Edwards… I let out a sigh glad it wasn’t anyone else but then I froze again, My Husband and Lucy are in the same vicinity. Oh CR*P!

“Sorry.” I say earnestly and he gives me a questioning glance but then Lucy starts…

“So you are the one who got MY best friends drunk and married her? Huh? What do you have to say for yourself?” Lucy yells at him, giving him her ‘scary look’ and it seems to have worked as he looks around quickly and pleadingly up at me,


“How about we go into Mr Edwards’ room and talk?” I offer off the top of my head, it may not stop her but at least it will postpone this and it will also put this into a more private area to talk freely without being heard.

Luce luckily takes the bait nodding and turning back into her cheerfully happy self.

Mr Edwards physically relaxes leading us back to his class room; we walk in complete silence, walking slowly through the hallways stopping at his classroom doors. He opens the doors, ushering us in and closing and locking it behind us.

He spins around quickly, bumping in to me. He reflexively catches me, stopping me from falling.

I blush as I take in the way we are standing; him with his arms wrapped around my waist, me leaning on him, blushing, looking at the floor. He too must have reached the same conclusion as he quickly lets me go, taking a step away.

I giggle at his action and lean back in to whisper in his ear,
“I am your wife you can touch me,” before walking over and taking a seat on one of the tables.

And Lucy starts, questions babbling out one after the other.

Rattling on question after question about him and why he was in Vegas, what he planned to do with me.

At the part where she started on questions about us you know, doing the deed, I blush, she tells him I was a virgin, watching for his reaction, his eyes widen and he physically gulps as he looks frantically at me. I cannot help the giggle that escapes my lips as I shake my head at Lucy and her antics…

Somewhere in between ‘Who was your first love’ and ‘Did he drug me in Vegas’ he had let us know that he would write us up a pass saying we were ‘helping him settle in’, to excuse us from the lesson we were missing. Lucy nods her head at this.

Hello Husband, Fancy seeing you hereWhere stories live. Discover now