Hello Husband (20)

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Here you all go Chapter 20!!!
Thank you all for your support!!!

Danielle's POV

Damn it I must have fallen asleep! I should probably get up and see if Nadz is still here and get ready Jack will be home soon.

Mmm but the blankets are so warm...
I roll over snuggling deeper into the blankets.
Wait that should have rolled me off the couch!
I sit up quickly taking in my surroundings, calming down when I notice the familiar surroundings of Jack's Bedroom.
Padding across the room I find one of Jack's Jumpers chucking it on and making my way to the living room.
I stop in the doorway as I see Jack and Nadz in a deep conversation

I watch as a smile filters across his face and feel jealousy fill me until his next words throw that feeling out the window.
"I'm Sorry I've never been such a sop before but El brings it out in me and I don't care because I love her... I love her."
I feel the smile take over my face at his words and deep down in my heart I know I feel the same.
Nadz looks at me then and smiles as she notices my smile,
"Good, now look after my girl," she says turning to leave.
My attention is now on the beautiful man smiling up at me.
I feel the blood rush to my cheeks under his heated gaze and avert my eyes.
I hear some shuffling and feel his hands on my chin lifting my gaze to meet his.
" you are beautiful, don't hide from me," he says making me swoon and lose all coherence to what I was going to say next.
Staring up at him stupidly he smiles down at me totally unaware of how he affects me.

It seems like I have known him forever when in reality it has only been a few months. Yet its crazy to think all that has happened; the last few months have been memorable thats for sure.

To think if it weren't for one spur of the moment road trip my life would be so different.
If I'm honest to myself, no matter the pain this has caused me, I wouldn't change it for the world.

All I care about is that Jack is mine and I am his and thats the way it was meant to be.

"What are you thinking about El?"
Jack says bringing me out of my thoughts.
"You," I say honestly blushing as he smiles at my answer,
" Good because you are always on my mind, my beautiful wife I can't seem to get you out of my head!"
Now it was my turn to smile, I wrap my arms around his neck burying my head in his chest. I don't know what but something about Jack just makes me feel safe and happy, he makes me forget my worries and just focus on here and now

To think that just one spur of the moment road trip would change my life so drastically....
I wouldn't change it for a thing

"What are you thinking about El," he says bring me out of my thoughts,
"You," I say honestly blushing and looking down as large grin spreads across his face.
He leans forward and kisses the top of my head running his hand down my arms and taking my hands in his he brings them up to around his neck, wrapping his hands around my waist, making me look up at him.
"Good because you, my beautiful wife, are always on my mind."
Now it was my turn to smile, burying my face in his chest I tighten my hold on him. I take in his scent and revel in the effect he has in my body.
He makes me feel like home.

"So how much of our conversation did you hear," he asks tentatively, making me giggle at how adorable he is, looking at me through his eyelashes.
"I only came out to hear that you were being a sop because of me," I say poking my tongue out at him before continuing to tease him, " so what about me makes you a sop,"
I smile at the look he gives me expecting one of his smart ass comments in return I am surprised as he tentatively steps towards me pulling me into him. My eyes widen as he wraps my arms and his neck and his arms wrap around my waist.
"You are perfect, thats what makes me a sop," he mumbles into my neck removing all thoughts from my brain so i stand there, mouth gaping open frozen, unsure what to do or say.
"You don't have to say anything, " he thankfully continues, giving me time to think again and wrap my head around what he was saying, " I just wanted you to know that, I'm sorry for how we began this marriage and I'm sorry for the pain I have caused you and this mess with Noah. But I am not sorry for marrying you!"
"You're not?" I stammer confused and unsure of myself. I mean I used to regret it but i don't know anymore. Jack is just do sweet and caring and he makes my heart race. If you asked me a month ago I would have glared at you and complained about it all, speaking so highly of Noah. Now however i realise that what Noah made me feel doesn't even compare to the way Jack makes my heart race.
"I'm really not, its messy and I would have loved to have been able to court you and date and do the proper meet the parents and get down on one knee years down the track and then see you dressed in white, looking as beautiful as you always do as you walk down the aisle. I know we met in a weird way, and I know things are complicated but I have come to care for you a lot and i want to give us a try. So Mrs Danielle Edwards would you do me the honour of going on a date with me."
And in that moment as I stare into his eyes I realise just how much I also have come to care for him, " I would love to."

The brightest smile lights up his face at my answer, making me smile also.
His eyes drop to my lips and he slowly leans in. My eyes flutter close as I lean into him, lightly his lips brush my own before resting a kiss on my cheek before pulling away all together.

My eyes flutter open at the loss of contact and I look up at him to see a cheeky glint in his eye
"Sorry I don't kiss on the first date, and we leave in two and a half hours so if you are anything like my sisters you better start getting ready." He jokes teasingly and I poke my tongue out at him turning to go back to my room to do as he says only to be stopped as his hand grabs mine.
Slowly he pulls me back to him wrapping me up in his arms for one more hug and a kiss on the forehead as he whispers in my ear, "wear something warm," before letting me go and walking off into the kitchen.

I stare after him lost in my thoughts about this new side of Jack, a side I hadn't seem before. I would be lying if I said I didn't like it. But I had other things to worry about, for starters what I was going to wear that was both warm yet stunning and what we were doing that would require me to wear something warm.


The Next Chapter will be their first date! How cute!!! To thank you all for all your amazing support since I returned I will let you pick who's POV it will be in so comment below who you want and don't forget to vote!
Thank you all Sooo much!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2014 ⏰

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