Alois x Seme!Male!Reader

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(Black Butler)

You quickly walk down the dark streets of London. Trying to get back to your boss before something happens to you. You may be 17 but it's still dangerous this late at night.

Rounding the corner the large Under taker sign comes into view, a sigh almost escapes your lips. That is until you hear Undertaker's laughter boom from the inside. Now instead of a sigh of relief, it's one of annoyance.

I just hope it's not that stupid queen's guard dog again, snot nosed brat.

You push open the door with your leg only for the laughter to cut off.

"(M/N)? Back so soon?" Asked Undertaker.

"I left an hour ago."

"Ah, yes, right. Hahaha! Well let me introduce you. These two gentlemen are here on business with the queen."

You stop putting the items that you carried in away. "What do they want?" Malice practically dripped from your voice. You despise anyone who worked for the queen; they just stir up trouble.

"Well they want to know if any of my clients match the disruptions that they have. I was just saying how you can help them." He turned towards you a smirk on his face.

"Ugh fine just as long as it's not the Phantomass brat."

Undertaker burst out laughing at your comment.

"Anyway, this is the queen's spider and his butler."

(M/N)'s POV


turn around to see one of the cutest boys I've ever seen. His light blond hair frames his face perfectly and his blue eyes are like stars. Looking him up and down I take note that his outfit is equally cute. Especially his shorts.

My eyes go back up to his face. Awwwwww he's blushing!!

His butler steps forward and slightly growls.

"Hey cutie. I'm (M/N)." I say with a wink.

"I'm Alois."

"Come on with me to the back, we'll see if we can find who your looking for."

Both of them step forward to follow me, but I hold up my hand.

"Not you suit. Not enough room."

He starts to glare at me. That it until Undertaker speeks up.

"Hehehe you can sit out here with me Claude. Trust the boy."

Suit sat down as Alois followed me to the back.

As soon as I closed the door I turned to face him.

"Let's get started shall we?"

Alois' POV

Wow! He's gorgeous! His smile makes my knees weak, his (straight/curly/ect.) (H/C) hair flows just perfectly on his flawless (S/C) skin. And his voice! It makes red bloom on my face.

And now we're alone together.

"Let's get started shall we?" (M/N) says as he closes the door.


"Alright, so, do you have the disruptions with you?"

I frown that we were doing actual work but sigh "Yes."

****Time Skip****

"Finally!" I said excitedly

(M/N) just chuckled at my behavior.

It had taken us a while of locating the bodies. Most of them (M/N) remembered though. We spent the time getting to know each other and me listening to his jokes which I have to admit made me laugh a lot. I think I may have fallen for him.

"Alois? You there?"

"Oh yeah, what is it?" I ask.

He leans in and kisses my lips gently.
As he pulls away I'm left chasing after his lips. Desperate to feel the warmth again. He cups my face.

"You're just to cute." He whispers.

I blush hard and go to kiss him again. But we are interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Your highness, it's time to depart." Claude calls from the other side.

I glare and growl at the door before my face is pulled into another kiss.

"So, you have to go now, your highness" he says with a smirk.

Huffing I get up and go to the door. Claude is waiting for me on the other side. We walk to the front door of the shop, but just as I'm about to leave I feel someone grab my hand.

Turning I look down to see (M/N) kneeling with my hand in his. He kisses the back of my hand as I blush.

"I hope to see you soon, my Prince."

A/N: okay so I hope that you liked this. It is my first oneshot. Please tell me if I need to change anything and please don't forget to suggest.

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